Everybody Knows

I recorded this primarily because I hadn’t yet recorded my new guitar. After viewing it, I decided to post it.
I think I included an extra verse and chorus. Oh well.


Nice playing Greg!

Your new guitar sounds real sweet man. Congratulations!
What guitar is that?
It looks real cool.
I like them black tuning keys. Looks like the tuning pegs are gold too. Very nice.
I like the way it looks.

Better yet, it sounds great!
Win, win.

Thanks for sharing.

Sweet playing @GDPiper169
great control and subtleties.
Certainly worth posting indeed!
Have fun with that new guitar

Thanks. It’s a Yairi FYM70. It’s an OM size sitka/rosewood. Yairi are distributed by Alverez, but are hand made in Japan. It is the finest guitar I’ve ever held in my hands, let alone owned. I wish my video camera could duplicate how good it sounds in person.

Thank you!


That’s a cool guitar.
Has all the appointments for sure. No wonder it sounds so good.
You should be a proud owner of that beautiful instrument.

My 1st guitar is just a regular Alverez. A 12 string.
It appears it will be with me till I’m dead. Got it in '76 and it’s still plays just fine. I’ve no intentions of getting rid of it.
Your guitar looks to be top of the line Alverez. Perhaps a more than a life time guitar? Very nice.

What a inspirational guitar you acquired.

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Very nice Greg. That is a sweet sounding and sweet looking guitar. :sunglasses:

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Very well played Greg. Beautiful tone from your guitar.