Facial recognition

Hi JG,

On the Justin Guitar website I can’t set up facial recognition on login on my iPhone. Same for finger print recognition on my MacBook. Is it disabled on the site or am I doing something wrong? Anyone else have the same problem.

Having to type details every time is a pain!


Hi @Martinlg61, as far as I know, facial recognition and fingerprint don’t work. However, I also have an iPhone and a MacBook, and I don’t have to login every time. You can check the ‘remember me’ box, which should help, but you can also save your login details to your iCloud keychain and enable automatic filling out. That way, you can log in with your fingerprint.

Many thanks Els. The keychain option does not appear like it does on other sites. I will look for a way to do this manually.


How are you accessing the website? On my iPhone, if I access it from a link on this community, for example, it doesn’t seem to access my keychain information and won’t log me in automatically unless I click the “web view” option. If I go directly to the web through a bookmark, the keychain works.

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Hi Jamolay,

The keychain does not work either way for some reason.
