Favourite artist: Your Inspiration


I thought I could share a little about an artist I got inspired from and I could also specify the reason I like them.

I came to know about Mazzy Star and Hope Sandoval quite late, during COVID.

The first video I watched of her performing was ā€œFade into youā€ live at the shoreline amphitheatre. This version is different from the record, as the slide guitar parts are missing. However, it still sounds very soulful in my opinion.

Hope is kind of shy, she does not like to engage with the audience. When she sings, it feels like she is singing for herself. She is amazing. She inspired me to sing. She plays tambourine.

Mazzy star seems to have disbanded following the passing away of their wonderfully skilled guitarist, David Roback. About a decade back, Hope has performed live a few times and recorded new songs with other artists. I am enclosing links to some of her interesting performances and recordings.

I donā€™t know if we could start a thread, where everyone shares a little about their favourite artist/ band. I hope we can.


Hmmā€¦ I guess, perhaps if you modify your subject line a bit, you can get more people to contribute? :slightly_smiling_face:

Making such thread is a good idea, but itā€™s also really difficultā€¦ for me at least. I donā€™t even know whether I have THE one favourite artist or band. It always depends on my moodā€¦ Etc.,.etc.,.etc.

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What a great idea, Audrey! In fact, folks could post a favorite artist, rather than their one favorite artist. It would be great if a brief story, such as yours, was included. Weā€™d all learn so much!

For example, Iā€™d love someone to tell me why they love Post Malone. (OK, maybe he wouldnā€™t show up in a guitar forum, I donā€™t really know!) Iā€™m aware of him, and have ignored him because I thought he performed music I just am not interested in. Then I heard him sing the U.S. national anthem (or maybe another patriotic song), and I was blown away. What a voice, what a performer! I havenā€™t taken time to learn more about him - so many other things competing for my time. A story like yours about Mazzy Star (with whom I am somewhat familiar) would help fill in that gap.

Is this intriguing to others? Or, perhaps, am I just too lazy and asking others to do work for me? :flushed:


I was at that Bridge show when that first video was filmed.

I had a longer reply typed up with this and that, but I got lost in a overwheling bit of emotion because her music really captured a moment and part of the early 90s where a lot of cool things were happening.

So I will just post my favorite band at that same show filmed later that same sunday afternoon.


Ok sorry about that

I decided to just add it now. Here is part of what Inhad written up before subtracting the ā€œfluffy stuffā€

My girlfriend at the time was very into the girl fronted bands. Shoreline is such a cool venue. If you are near the the Bay Area, and there is a show at shoreline you should go and take the oppurtunity.
Back to Bridge show. The tickets were crazy hard to get. Misnistry played after Mazzy Star. Off the top of my head, it was Neal Young, Tom Petty, Mazzy Star, Indigo Girls, Ministry and of course Pearl Jam. Neal young was the headliner. there were more.

I am sure the OP has listened to Mazzy Stars first album, but for many people it went by unnoticed, but Kurt Cobain said Halah one of the best songs he ever heard and ā€œShe Hangs Brightlyā€ was one of the best first releases ever.


Noel Gallagher for me as he just wrote and continues to write so many great songs. Probably not the most popular choice on here but it wouldnā€™t be good if we were all the same. :joy:
I loved Oasis back in the day and Noel continues to write some banging songs.


Iā€™m all for it if it is ā€œaā€ favourite artist or band, because I also find the idea really thrilling ā€¦ But whom to pick??? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Itā€™s so difficult. Hmmā€¦ If I try to limit it to my favourite album of the year, and if I try to limit it to someone whom Iā€™d really would want to go on tour in Finland itā€™s maybe Amigo the Devil. Picture that Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen had a child togetherā€¦ Thatā€™s Amigo the Devil. He calls his music Murder folkā€¦


Well it has to be Rory Gallagher doesnā€™t it. I think Iā€™ve bored people enough on here why Iā€™m obsessed so hereā€™s some examples.


Brilliant, thank you! I had a listen to both songs (good selection btw - shows his range)ā€¦heā€™s great. Thanks!


And he is a real storyteller, though.tbe lyrics areā€¦hmmā€¦morbidā€¦


Easy one for me. Paul Weller. Has written so many great songs but I bash out 3 or 4 on a regular basis, like



Iā€™ve always been inspired by artists who have good lyrics, really poetic, moving or important things to say. I didnā€™t start guitar due to any artist, but when it comes to singer-songwriters I loved Jewel when I was younger, Alanis Morissette, Sheryl Crow, Missy Higgins, Clare Bowditch, Amanda Palmer, Paolo Nutini, and I am such a huge Hozier fan.

I want to be able to write my own songs when I know enough, and my goal is to have lyrically enjoyable stuff, and to be able to say important things with music or make what Iā€™m singing about layered and enjoyable to think about (as well as hopefully catchy). I do hope I can make a couple of decent songs in my time on earth, but who knows lol.


The original inspiration for me to pick up a guitar was Keith Richards. Watching him in the concert film ā€˜Letā€™s spend the night togetherā€™ made me want to learn to play in addition to listen.

If I was to single out one musician that is an inspiration in terms of being the one Iā€™d most like to be able to emulate as completely as possible it would be Neil Young. He writes wonderful songs, plays guitar, piano and harmonica, dances between so many different styles from gentle country to being hailed as ā€˜The Father of Grungeā€™. And the cherry on the cake, he follows his own path, not a slave to the industry. And I think that would be his way, even without the financial freedom I imagine he earned in the 70s.


My original inspiration to play was from Hank Marvin and the Shadows (showing my age here), but along the way to maintain the motivation Led Zeppelin, UFO, Alvin Lee, then a big gap until Joe Satriani and Steve Vai came along and another gap until 2014 when I found my current favourite band The Warning - this is one of my favourite songs of theirs:


Ah Darrell it takes a lot to drag me away from my current Spotify soundcheck. But listening and Community surfing meant to stop where I was and take a listen to your latest Warning bump. They never fail to delivery. Iā€™ll be back in a mo to share MY current inspirations.
And if I could play the :poop: Iā€™d be a happy :rabbit: .


If you like the sounds on this sheā€™s playing a Baritone tuned to drop A, Iā€™ve tried 13ā€™s on one of mine and can just about get away with it!

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OK I could go way back in time and list so many bands from the 60s and 70s. Mainly Southern Rock or Blues based rock. But recently I am dialled into a more recent Blues Rock of the modern era, so many to list so thought Iā€™d share my current go to adrenaline punch.

Parental Guidance for the video, music is great !