Feature request: print Tabs or export to PDF please!

Itā€™s not that I donā€™t want to memorize songs. For instance, the song wonderwall by oasis. I can sing along when I hear the recording, but I donā€™t know the lyrics from memory.

Sure, it would cost more. Or maybe you can create your own song book with songs on Justin guitar. 50 songs for 15 euros as a book and 10 euros for PDF download. For those who subscribe to justin tabs, they get a discount. I think create your own song book is not a bad idea

Just signed up for the tabs - Like others I am disappointed that I canā€™t download tabs as a pdf. I am able to do this on three other guitar teaching sites. They seem not to have the terms and condition issues. I normally would just cancel my year subscription because of this issue but I like Justin Guitar and believe in supporting your efforts. I have gotten much better with the help of your videos. I will not cancel , just to support your work. Some other creators post their tabs on Music notes and I just buy them there. I am sure they get a commision, and I can download as a pdf to put into my forscore app. I would recommend rethinking your tab features for the future.

I donā€™t have Justinā€™s tabs so I donā€™t know if it can be done, but with Ultimate Guitar, I do copy and paste into Word, even though I can get the PDF there. I prefer that because I can edit and format how I want it.

Craig @CJWatson
Welcome to the community :neutral_face:

Mark @markr31
For UG I load them into SongbookPro and edit from there. It does have some limitations or I have not found a way to do things. It does mean I have all my songs on my iPad and iPhone. Never been invited to play a guitar when I was not expecting too and it is unlikely in such circumstances that I would not have my phone with.

I do have a rough workaround so I can get sheets into my Songbook app. (I use an android tab for sheet music etc).

I screen shot the tab, crop it. Import it into my PDF scanner app (I use ā€œscanner proā€), which turns it into a PDF I can import. The quality is not great, especially if you enlarge or stretch the picture at all before importing, but it gets it onto my Songbook Pro app so it is easier to access. I could print it as well, but it is slightly blurry.

Not sure it should be shared publicly, I donā€™t know rules. Moderators feel free to remove this post if I have overstepped.