For me it was recently, consolidating grade 1, stumbling around trying to learn 5 songs. And, well, about a week ago, all of a sudden I was more or less mumbling the text while I was playing, and it actually started to sound like a song. Ok, just ‘starting to’, but hey, it felt absolutely great! Felt like I am actually going anywhere
For me it was writing my first original song. I have written some more since which have probably been better but the first one means the most to me.
On Sunday I played a songwriters showcase at my local coffee shop in Pacifica, CA. I played 6 original songs and they went down well. I made some mistakes of course but just kept ploughing on. Playing the Justin open-mics gave me confidence to try this. It was a fun experience. Thanks to this community for always being supportive and friendly.
I love this!!
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