@Notter Hey Mark, yes I had some reverb on, I thend to always use reverb but you may be right, I’ll give it a go, still figuring out what I like coming out of the amp.
Using the bridge pickup, I rarely change the pickup position, really like the sound coming out of the bridge one (they’re both humbuckers BTW)
@DavidP thanks David, loving that profile pic.
@brianlarsen Thanks Brian, I like her too! I’ll try it, I basically just play with the knobs until I find something “usable”
so thanks for the tip
@TheCluelessLuthier Thank you Mark! I don’t tend to use backing tracks but they do wonders to work on timing
@adi_mrok Thanks Adrian, glad you liked it!
@ToshS thank you Tosh, the D is supposed to have the thinnest string muted, as well as the G string on the E chord, but I didn’t quite manage to get it.
@jkahn thanks JK, I love the simplicity of White Stripes and didn’t hit me until the other day how good it can be to work on power chords and settings for the electric, especially this song that’s so repetitive but energetic at the same time.
I’ve thought about exploring new patterns, I found I ended up strumming the same way with some variations of it when I’m singing, so I’m trying to automatize new things. Also, working on the Chris Liepe vocal course so I’m focusing on that more than singing right now.
About the guitar, I’ve always liked Hollowbody guitars from an aesthetic point of view, they’re classic but they have a lot of personality, and you can see them in colours that really pop. Noel Gallagher used to play a cherry red ES-335 if I’m not mistaken, and trying out different “similar” budget guitars this is the one that felt the best. I wish now that I had tried more, the tuning is not as stable as I’d like, and now I’m craving a Gretsch like crazy, I just love the way they look. I’m also curious about a tele or strat, I went straight for this type and I wish I had tried different guitars.
That said, for my first electric Im very satisfied. Sorry for the long answer!
@batwoman appreciate it as always Maggie
@philsmith thanks Phil!
@SgtColon thanks Stefan, I can assure you I was not at ease at all
It’s very distracting, when you notice some note not sounding quite right with this amount of gain and overdrive, but that just means there’s stuff to work on. And when you get this simple stuff right it sounds massive.
Cheers everyone!