Fender player or performer

Hi all looking for some advice. Been playing a a year or two and been thinking of adding a nice shiny new guitar - motivational boost etc.

Been looking at UK sites and looked at the range of fender mim guitars so player, performer etc. I need to check out the guitars themselves but has one had one and loved it? Or had one and hated it? Usual bit why?

Current guitars prs se Santana, GS mini and an old yasuma acoustic.

Thanks in advance…:crossed_fingers:

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Hi David .
I myself bought a Fender player as my first guitar 4 years ago on the advice of someone who has been playing for more than 40 years and also performs with it, he himself indicated that he had the choice between the more expensive American one and this one and still went for the Mexican, I actually never play it anymore after the first few months because the guitar is too heavy for me…only once a month when I play a lick or something short like that…and then it feels so good…


I think the Performer is made in the US … might be wrong?!

The best advice anyone can offer you is to go and play a ton and make up your own mind, however as you asked …

If the choice is between Mexico and the US then I’ve played (and owned) a lot of both. IMHO, you will pay a premium for the ‘Made in the USA’ decal. I think there is only about 100 miles between the US and Mexico factories and the MIM guitars are very good. The law of diminishing returns is very apparent with guitars.

If money isn’t an issue then I think it’s really important to ask yourself how important the ‘US made’ thing is to you. There’s no right or wrong answer - it’s a personal thing.
You won’t save anything buying the MIM guitar and then 6 months later decide you really wanted a US one and trade.

Both good, but Player’s QC is not always great, so either check everything by yourself at the store, or buy from a store that checks guitars before shipping.

I bought a Player II telecaster this week. The new series 2 ones are a great improvement on the original. I tried it against a couple of dearer ones in the shop, but the Player II was my favourite.

I bought a Player Plus Strat last year. I’m delighted with it. I tried out several models including a Professional. A friend came with me (a professional guitarist) and gave me some excellent advice: just go with the guitar that feels best and right for you. The Player Plus I chose felt the best and I have absolutely no regrets.

I have a Player Plus Strat and it feels so good to play that when I recently decided to buy a Telecaster I opted for the player plus range in that too. I’ve been playing it now for three weeks and it feels great under the fingers, I’ve had no quality issues. Good luck in your search I hope you find the right one for you.

Thanks for that hadn’t thought about weight. I’ll weigh the prs - as I find that ok ISH.

Hi Nancy
The range is changing and looks like it’s been re-badged to player 2. Not sure if a player 2 plus will emerge from the factory. Thanks for the response regards David

Another shout out to the Player Plus series. I bought a Player Plus Strat last year; the first few months were a little rough but it has played very nicely since a professional setup. I don’t use the whammy bar too much but haven’t had the nerve to dock the bridge, either.

Be aware that Fender lacquers the fretboard with the frets on and it might take some playing to wear it off.

Hi Tony
I’m really pleased for you a nice new guitar and the info is brill the player 2 that I was looking at is about £350 cheaper than the next one up. Will try both and see. Probably just need a bag for it. Thanks for the really useful information.

Kindest regards David

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Ah. Plan to visit a store next week and have a look. Will bear that in mind and ask. Regards David

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Hadn’t realized that so great info. Regards David

Hi all

Thanks for the wonderful responses. I think I managed to respond to each and everyone. If not I’m sorry I missed. Quick update the new guitar arrived at the weekend. Its a Strat’ Player Plus. I chose it based upon feel in the shop, feedback and price. The shop had to order it in hence its just arrived.

I really appreciated the feedback it help so much.



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