Fender Precision 1960's Bass - VST Plugin for FREE!

No, I was just testing the download. As a long-time computer support person I just go into auto-pilot once someone mentions any problem. :woozy_face:


I’m sorry - LOL - I did software support for 2 years and it was not a great fit for me.

Ok, if you want to be on the hook, let us know what you think of this freebie when you get a chance to try it out!

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Once its in your blood…38 years in IT Ops for a global bank. 12 years on still can’t help myself. :rofl:

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You probably know about this or similar sites, but you can use sites like https://wetransfer.com/ to send files up to 2 GB for free without any signup/subscription. I often use it for my collaborations instead of google drive.

My first pass in IT was that 2 year software support gig. I worked my way up to an Info Systems Technology Manager position and spent nearly 20 years in the industry. To this day I hate Windows, Gates and Fatware by Bill… But hey, the OS was so crappy it gave me lifetime job security! :grimacing:

I am like you though, when Windows breaks, as it often does. I hate “helping myself” right the ship!



Thanks Brian - I will check it out. I still use G-Drive and just set the security to basically “anyone with link”. I would not do that with secure stuff. But most would not want my goods anyway… LOL That setting allows sending a link to others and they in turn do not need to do anything but used the link to download what I have left them.


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