Fender Tone Master Pro

I watched that video a while ago, and a bunch of that guys other stuff. He has some good points but the way he makes decisions is quite different to people that end up with a TMP.

Want infinite flexibility, donā€™t care about UI/ok with fiddliness, want to profile stuff, budget limited, choose another one.

Want the best usability with awesome tone out of the box, with lots of flexibility (but not infinite), TMP is the goods.

I donā€™t have a lot of experience with modellers, but from what Iā€™ve been able to gather they all sound good. And the price is around the same as an American Pro strat (at least here).

I used John as a reference because, unlike a lot of other channels where they tend to gush about kit they have been lent or given by a company, John bought the TMP himself, for his own use.

Yes, it was a personal view, but also one from someone independent who was looking at it critically from the PoV of being a home user as well as a gigging musician, and from the point of view of having used lots of similar products.




Thatā€™s basically the crux of it summed up neatly.
Do I want one? - yes
Can I afford it? - yes
Can I justify it? - possibly ā€¦

Think Iā€™ll sit on the fence a little longer and keep an eye on this thread / YT etc. If Iā€™m still having cravings in 6 weeks time then itā€™s likely more than just a ā€˜phaseā€™ and Iā€™ll review my position then.

Thanks for the comments guys!


Everybody is biased.

John is not just some hobbiest that occasionally posts a video. He has posted more than 3500 videos on youtube and has more than 29 million views. John has taken free stuff and payment from Line6 and has on ongoing relationship with them. He also has a huge amount of content dedicated to Line6 devices and sells presets for Line6, Boss, Headrush and Fractal devices.

There is currently no way to sell presets or monetize the Tone Master Pro.

In the video that you linked, John complains that the using an Amp that has a convolution reverb (which is a very DSP intensive effect that is too demanding for many other modelers) limits the number of other amps you can use and this is a sign of weakness for the TMP. Next, he shows how a shifter pedal on the Helix uses so much more of the DSP than the similar Tone Master Pedal and this is somehow a strength of the Helix. So which is it? Are more accurate, higher resolution (and more DSP intensive) effects a good thing or a bad thing? Or are they only good when they reinforce his bias?

I saw another video where someone called out the similar limitations when using an amp with a convolution reverb right after the TMP came out. There were dozens of comments saying hey - RTFM! The manual says that amps with convolution reverb are processor intensive and will limit your options. Then, the guy posts another video two weeks later again complaining about this issue and somehow never acknowledging that he had been corrected or that this is mentioned in the the userā€™s manual.

One thing that I have learned over the past couple of months is that youtube creators only care about views. They are not experts, they are not unbiased, they are not scientific, and they are often just plain wrong.

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Yep always have to take a bunch of reviews on board with anything and see if the pros / cons work for you.

Does seem like a lot of yt reviewers get the same (free) product and itā€™s amazing until next weekā€™s free product

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Yeah, he also gets paid by Fractal to create content as well. He has videos where he talks about it all. Personally I knew that stuff when Keith posted his link. But - Johnā€™s viewpoint is still valid to listen to. Everybody has biases, different viewpoints, different criteria for making decisions. Take in information, make your own decision :slightly_smiling_face:.

Which obviously would be to get a TMP because itā€™s absolutely the best platform for all requirements :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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Watch Out JK @jkahn ā€¦ your BIAS is showing!!! :rofl: :wink: :grin:

Pull your shirt DOWN & your pants UP!!! :nerd_face:


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Fender should have you as their marketing guy!

Or do they alreadyā€¦

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Haha, at least Iā€™m not hiding my bias for slick, easy to use good sounding stuff :joy:

Itā€™s worse than thatā€¦ I pay them!

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