Fields of Gold

Sometimes I really dislike something after I hear it uploaded. My previous version of this was an example. I’ve reworked it again here. I like this much better except for the weak outro.


I can completely identify: all I can hear when I listen back to my own recordings are the timing errors :rofl: I’m aware they’re there but am usually so fed up of the tune by then that I can’t be bothered to fix them.

I thought this was a great performance Jay. I didn’t think the outtro sounded weak at all.


Very nice, Jay; great guitar and vox. Do you play professionally/semi-pro? The outro sound ok to me except for the last note didn’t sustain like I thought it would. Maybe you wanted it that way?


Well done Jay I love that song nicely played cheers Hec

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Thanks, Dave. Not doing anything professionally. I’ve done a few open mics, but nerves have been a problem playing for people. Right now I’m just trying to develop a handful of songs that I can feel confident about before heading back into the open mic scene.

It sounds pretty awesome to me. Great song choice.

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Jay, it sounded great to me. Playing nuanced fingerpicking while singing a ballad from memory is quit an accomplishment. Your voice is well suited to that song and the mix sounds pretty professional to my untrained ears. The outro sounded good to me. Sometimes songs just fade away rather than have big finishes and this ending seems appropriate.

I really like Sting. Your voice is very well suited to his music. Thanks for sharing that. Great job sir!!!