Finally a comfortable (large) camping chair I can play my guitar in

I’ve been so frustrated over the years with how all the camping chairs / stools either have arms that get in the way of the guitar or are small and darn uncomfortable to sit on for any length of time.

Well no longer. A friend showed me his recently and I finally got one of my own.


The arm (right or left) can be dropped down to make room for the guitar.

The guy in the shop was hesitant about whether this might void the warranty. I’m not worried either way.

Here’s a link to the chair


Nice lookin, very usable for guitar playing chair ya got there tony.
Having them drop arm chairs is the cats meow imho. I fight with the arms of a chair too. The arms are always bumping into the back of my guitar just trying hard to damage my guitar. Drop arm is the way to go it seems.

I got me a drop arm chair last year for my playing when I’m in the house. It is a game changer for me.
Just what we need for our guitar playing.

I may have to consider one of these chair you got for when I play out on my back stoop. The metal arm patio furniture chair I’m using now is just a accident waiting to happen.

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Looks great, Tony :star_struck:. I wish you many wonderful outdoor playing sessions :smiley:!

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No stubby-holder?!? :open_mouth:
Refund please


Nice Tony, :sunglasses:
I’m also waiting for an (left) armless chair (enough space for you there on the left)…Monday morning hopefully just before the holiday week :crossed_fingers: (but I won’t hold my breath for it to come then otherwise I would already be dead if I did before when they say it wil come :confounded:)

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I had to Google “stubby-holder”.
Discovered it is the equivalent of a Koozie in the US. Both sound equally inappropriate for what it is :smile:


Nice! It looks perfect for me now that I am… a certain age :slight_smile:
Gone are the day I can sit on the ground for hours

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Oi! It’s there, the black flap below the guitar has two stubby holders. Easy to reach. Whew!!!

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I love the hammock, but where do you put your stubbie?:beers:

That’s fantastic. Pity it wouldn’t work when jamming in a circle with friends, although if we all had a hammock in a circular jam it would mean showers and general hygiene would be far less important :slight_smile:

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