
I can Finally play a near perfect “F Bar Chord” and change to other open chords from the Bar Chord. I have been trying to master that F-ing Bar Chord for 12 months! LOL! I almost gave up from frustration a hundred times. If it wasn’t for Justin’s encouraging videos I would have.

Thanks Justin!


Murray, congratulations on your achievement. I still have to keep working on the F chord before I use it in a song :slight_smile:

Here’s some advice from a guy who finds it hard to follow his own advice… Don’t quick trying no matter what. And, don’t be troubled if you need to take a break from the things that don’t come easy. :+1:

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Well done mate remember the saying never hurry a Murray, I remember the day I just got it that F chord what a Job it all begins now my friend cheers Hec

Hooray! A milestone indeed! I took 1.5 years to feel comfortable playing the full F Barr in a song. Longer to say I was ok at it! Nice work! Now a lot of doors open a bit wider for playing and learning.

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Here’s to small, important victories. How the heck can placing four fingers on some strings and making a sound take months or years to master? Do the Guitar Gods like to torture people?

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Congratulations, Murray :tada:

That really is a great success … and I envy you for that :smiling_face:
I’m struggling with this mean little fellow for about a year now, too.
So reading your awesome news encourages and motivates me and makes me believe that there is still hope :wink:

Thank you for sharing :sunflower:


now try to learn Bm :rofl: