Fingerstyle check newbie

Hello, can you please check my fingerstyle so I know everything in basic is OK? Song is Lost by Anouk, but I can do smoothly just two chords, because I am focusing for correct finger picking. A little bit nervous on video, so I made mistake.



going well:
even flow with steady timing, good control over hand and fingers and steady volume

still missing:
a full continuous pattern; but of course you are working on that :smiley:
Can’t wait to hear what comes next!

Yes you’'re doing well, certainly ready for those other chords.

btw, cool sweater :smiley:


Your message made my day. I am really happy that I am doing it right. That gives me hope. :slight_smile: I am definitelly gonna work and next chords. I really enjoy this song by fireplace in my TV and listening to this. :slight_smile:
Thanks. When I went to shop this was “must have” on first look. :slight_smile:


Just mind your thumb, it is going in a bit powerful.
It should come gently of the string without too much resistance


Can really add much to what master Levien already said. Maybe don’t get frustrated if something doesn’t work, it is a norm that it doesn’t work and it will not work for certain amount of time until you get it.

You putting a lot of strength because otherwise you will get quiet notes if you don’t have longer fingernails. It is possible to play fingerstyle loud and clear without fingernails if you fingertips are hardened enough but thumb will be always lagging behind. To solve this problem some guitarists are wearing thumb ring pick. The choice is yours depending on your preferences.


Gonna check that thumb accesory, but I would like to be able to play just with bare fingers. I can feel I am putting more presure to thumb. Thanks for catch, I am gonna work on it. This little progress makes me really happy and thats what I am looking for in my life now. :slight_smile:

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Really good job! I mean, I’m really not a high level player, but to me it seems solid.
I think that you can always find more things to improve, but the first big thing with fingerstyle is to not get discouraged. For me, it was a lot like learning to drive a manual car - it was very VERY hard in the beginning, but with enough time, it became almost 100% automated - and now I can concentrate on other things, while my picking hand (or shifting hand + the leg on the clutch) just does its thing on its own.
Good luck, and have a lot of fun with playing!

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Hey Carreta, this is sounding lovely. Fingerpicking can create such a a great sound. As others have said, I’m interested to see what you do next!

@szilassi @Sound_Bound Thank you very much. I really appreciate this support and nice words. Gives me more taste for playing… I cant wait to have my shift over and head home to play my guitar. :slight_smile:

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That’s a really good start Michal, fingerstyle is something I really (unexpectedly!) enjoy both playing and listening. Lieven’s given you pretty much feedback I would have so nothing more to add there except keep at it!! :slight_smile:

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Got here a little update, where I can change 3 chords in a row. I can play this in loop without mistake… I am really sure if I dont look on that chord change I wont make that mistake. I can have my eyes closed and play this part pretty decent. Gonna jump on my first hammer on, it seems really hard to me now.


Making good progress, sounds good to me, Michal

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