Fingerstyle Improvising

Learning both, a little bit at the same time! This is a fairly new instrument for me, and after playing a couple of years on electric, I canā€™t get enough of the way these nylon strings sing out!

Hereā€™s a snippet of some chord and melodic improvising after an eveningā€™s practice!


Sounding good there Chris. A nice bit of playing. Iā€™ve not got a nylon guitar myself (yet) but they do sound nice.

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Sounds very nice Chris, but be careful . Once you start with fingerstyle there is no way back :slight_smile:


Thank you @SgtColon and @Sebastian_Dewulf-Ortega ! Itā€™s been irresistible so far, my poor electric misses me. :joy:

Also @SgtColon ā€” is your handle a reference to Discworld? LOVE those books! I just read the Pratchett biography earlier this year. Wonderful stories and a fantastic life!


Very good fingerstyle Chris.

P.s Nothing Else Matters by Metallica is a good song to play if you enjoy fingerstyle.

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It certainly is Chris. They are a great set of books, so so funny.

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@K0874 Thanks!! Iā€™ll have to try it out, canā€™t get more classic than Metallica! :metal:

Hello Chris, that sounded really sweet :blush:.
Iā€™m also very fond of fingerstyle. Iā€™m still a beginner and struggel a bit with it, but I love playing that way.
Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.

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Thank you so much @NicoleKKB ! :blush:

Fingerstyle has been humbling, but so rewarding. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll both come along with it as we keep at it! :clap:

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