27Nov2024 - Today I am adding songs 7 and 8 of the ten grade 2 consolidation song recordings.
The next song Mustang Sally, I treated differently as a learning project with future blues studies in mind. Since this R&B songs has a blues progression base, I decided to focus on the guitar rhythm. I was inspired by @math07 to put Moises app on my iPad (old dogs can learn new tricks
) and extracted the drum, bass and vocal tracks. I made this recording on my phone while playing the tracks on my iPad.
Here is song number 7:
Mustang Sally - Moises tracks in background
I liked my rhythm groove, especially in the first verse, but the backing track was too weak and I couldn’t hear the backing track well even as I was playing and recording. You can hear my guitar playing clearly, though:
In the next video I merged the GarageBsnd mix (the video audio and the drum, bass and vocal tracks from Moises) with the video in iMovie and muted the audio in the video. Unfortunately the video and audio become slightly more out of synch as the video progressed, but the result is still good if you just listen to the audio after the first verse:
Mustang Sally with merged backing track audio
The next song, One, ironically is the first song that I have recorded in one take. I did spend a few minutes practicing the muted strumming pattern again to make sure it was locked in, then listened to the U2 YouTube official video singing along with Bono, and then played the chord progression with the correct strumming while reading the lyrics to check on ther syllable placement. Then I took a deep breath and recorded the entire song. I was pleased with that, considering that I just finished updating the chords for the last verses last night and this was the first time that I had sung all the way through the song. I did have a mental lapse in the next to last “middle” section and had to improvise the last couple of lines because I didn’t want to stop recording.
Here is song number 8:
One by U2
My hands were sweating halfway though the song, since I suspected that this might be a useable recording. I just kept having a “The Show Must Go On” mentality and finished the song with a sigh of relief.
Before I forget, here is the recording setup for all of the songs, this one showing the 3 song sheets for One:
I have a sturdier music stand filled with music, but I still tend to use this light-weight music stand for recording. I’ve had it since I was learning classical guitar (self-study) in 1977.