First AVOYP, Daft Punk / Get Lucky, feedback appreciated

Thanks for confirming!

Ah, well spotted. That makes a lot of sense. Good to be aware now.

Thanks JK, I appreciate it! :+1:

Thanks Mark! :+1:

Thank you Eddie! :+1:

Thank you!

Thatā€™s so nice to read! And I truly believe that by following Justinā€™s course and with the help and encouragement in this forum you will be able to achieve the same and much more!!

Thanks so much Gunhild! :smiley:

Thanks :blush:. Iā€™m always fascinated by the craftsmanship of these manufacturers :guitar:

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Thatā€™s totally impressive for 10 months! Lots of good comments above, including your own feedback, so the only thing I would add is a positive. Yes I can see that your fingers donā€™t all fall into the D as for the other chords, but landing all fingers for the other chords already is great, and you maintained the tempo on the D change even if all fingers didnā€™t land together - so great on that! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Mari for spotting and mentioning this detail! I took it to heart that rhythm is most important and chord perfection comes second. Using the app helped me with that! :+1:

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Hey Franz,

The correct thumb position on the neck will naturally bring your hand around into a more perpendicular position for your fingers.

Cheers, Shane

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Aaaah - after trying this out I think I know now how you meant it regarding the perpendicular position of the fingers. Good stuff, it makes sense to me now. Will try to change this habit. Thanks once again Shane! :+1:

@franzek Nice job! From 0 to 10 months and already playing this well shows youā€™re really working. Iā€™m not going to give any advice since youā€™ve had very experienced guitarists share some excellent tips. Congrats on your first AVOYP.


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Hi Franz,
Iā€™m much too late for commenting as you already had lots of great advice. Congrats on your first AVoYP, a milestone on your journey!
Great playing for only 10 month in, nice and steady strumming and clean changes, the D will get smoother for sure with time.
I only would add one thing. Maybe itā€™s a deception, but I think, I see your face at the upper screen border and it looks as if you were craning your neck a lot over to see the fretboard, this may cause bad neck problems in the long run. Not sure about that, but I get that impression.
You are defintitely on a good way, keep on. Not to forget: what a beautiful guitar! What modelm7s that? Looks very elegant.
Ganz herzliche GrĆ¼ĆŸe nach NĆ¼rnberg! Super Leistung!

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Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting. That was really good Franz. You look and sound to be doing all the right things, so just keep doing what youā€™re doing.

Others have already answered your questions, so Iā€™ll not repeat.

Well done as well for getting out there with a few friends and playing in public.

Nice looking guitar too.

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Thanks Chris! The practice assistant on the web site really helps to structure my practice. :+1:

No good advice and encouragement is ever too late and there is so much interesting going on in this forum these days, I really wonder how people manage to keep track of it all. Thanks for making the effort to comment in detail.

With the additional tips I got Iā€™m optimistic :smiley:

Wow, Andrea, 100% correct. I tried to hide it :see_no_evil:, but as it seems nothing escapes your sharp eye :face_with_monocle: :grin:
So yes, I do have issues with posture in general. However, since Iā€™m aware, I change positions frequently when playing. Half of the time I play in a standing position, with one foot on a small chair. It helps keeping my back in good condition. And I have to say that my general back problems miraculously got better since I started playing guitarā€¦ (Reminder to myself: why not adding exercises for my back to the justinguitar practice plan).

:+1: Appreciate it!

Itā€™s an Epiphone Casino, one from their ā€œwornā€ series. It has a velvety matte surface. And itā€™s very light (fully hollow) which makes it comfortable for me. It was a good choice, that I can say for sure.

Thanks very much again, und ganz herzliche GrĆ¼ĆŸe in den SĆ¼den :wave: :smiley:

Will do, and your feedback and all the other comments are very encouraging. Thanks Stefan!

:+1: And the matte surface at the neck and the flat D-shaped profile makes it really playable for me.


Hello Franz, Iā€™m a bit late to the party but wanted to congratulate you for your first Avoyp! I see the others have already sent a lot of feedback on which you can work on so Iā€™ll just say that your progress in only 10 months is quite impressive to me, one thing that I liked especially was your flexible strumming, as it often happens to beginners, it happened to me as well, is being repetitive and boring. Very well done! :raised_hands: :blush:

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Hi Franz,

another late attendee to your party. :sweat_smile:

Congrats on your first AVOYP! Stepping out of comfort zone is a huge deal, also for playing in the park - very well done for this! :+1: :clap:

Thereā€™s already plenty of good advice given and openly received. Further, you also seem to do some good in self assessing points to improve as well. Another thing your doing well. :slight_smile:

It clearly shows you put some effort in guitar playing the last 10 months - so keep on what youā€™re doing, youā€™re on track. :smiley:

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Haha, I meant to say earlier that you are at risk of ā€˜burning outā€™ if you give such long thoughtful response to all of the comments. Itā€™s laudable and much appreciated but probably unsustainable in the long run :wink:

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:+1: Since picking individual notes is still very difficult to me I thought, well, letā€™s then first concentrate on the rythm part :smile:

Thank you Silvia!

Well described. What helped me was that I knew that this forum is a safe place with a very supportive audience. Now or never I thought, and Iā€™m really glad I did it.

:+1:Well, the hard work is still to be done by putting it all into practice and keeping continued attention to it. :see_no_evil: :grin:

Thanks for confirming Lisa. :+1:

:+1: You are probably right; However this thread is an exception to me. First, everyone has payed attention to detail and has provided feedback and encouragement, so I thought itā€™s the least I can do to reply in a similar manner. Second, I had reserved some dedicated time for this because I knew good replies were coming well worth replying to.
Nevertheless, Iā€™m fully aware of this concept of what they call ā€œreal lifeā€ :grin:, so let me wish everyone a nice rest of the weekend, and with that, let me step away from the keyboard now :wave: :smiley: