First AVOYP: Everyday is Like Sunday - Morrissey

Thanks JK, I appreciate your kind words.

Definitely. Something to overcome, might have to consider some meditation practice beforehand or a Prosecco.

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Red light fever is normal, I’ve done quite a few videos and I still get it! If Prosecco works for you, do it :smiley:

Alan, congrats on your first post! You looked very comfortable with all the chords, your strumming was smooth, and you were able to keep your singing in time very well. I too have been working on singing and playing guitar so I know all of those struggles! Your first singing video was much better than mine :sweat_smile: keep posting on here and you will get all the feedback you need to keep improving! My suggestion is that once you’ve got the notes and lyrics down for the song, then work on incorporating the emotion (dynamics, facial expressions, etc). That is what I did! Sounds like that is what you’ve already made a mental note of, so it seems like you’re on the right track (though I am also addressing you from the galaxy of non-singers so take it all with a grain of salt haha).

Best of luck!


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Hello Alan, first of all congratulations on your first AVOYP! It sounded good! Singing can be very fulfilling so it’s great that you’re going out of your comfort zone and try! Keep at it, you have a very good starting point in your voice from what I can hear. Well done! I hope to hear more of your AVOYP when you’ll be ready to share.

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Way to go Alan!! :clap::v:
Superb first AVOYP!
Nice and steady strum. Nice voice!
Is it even possible to be to much miserable when doing Morrisey?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well done! Looking forward to the next :facepunch:

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Thanks @tRONd and @SILVIA for your encouraging feedback. It feels great to have posted something and had so many positive responses. Looking forward to doing more and putting some effort into improving my singing abilities.

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Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting Alan :clap: Another milestone you can check off your list.

Really nicely played and sung. Nice on mixing it up with your strumming and nice percussive hits in the end section.

Your singing is good. Two milestone in one song, nice! I’m sure your singing confidence will just increase now from song to song and good on you for stepping right out of your comfort zone.

:rofl: :rofl:

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Well done Alan, a big step to post your first AVOYP. I could really sense you getting more comfortable and relaxed as you got through the song, it made a big difference.

Really minor point, especially for a first AVOYP, but in that first section it felt like you were rushing a little with the tempo before you settled in. Just something to be aware of.

Really enjoyable performance, congrats!

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Thanks Stefan for watching and feedback, much appreciated.

My teenage daughter likes to point this out to me fairly frequently, like I have much control over the situation. I won’t mention what she says about my playing and singing.

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Hi Mark, thanks for watching and supportive comments.
I definitely think consistent tempo and not rushing is something I noted with this song and also in my general rythymn playing. I am trying to integrate some practice with metronome/drum track to get a bit more in the groove. Thank you for the constructive advice. Failing any improvement I thought possibly a cover of ‘Runaway Train’ - Soul Asylum could focus my attention on this issue.
Best wishes,

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I certainly wouldn’t call it an issue at this point Alan, just something to be aware of as you practice and work songs to a point of happiness with your performing.

Having said that…

…I’d like to see this anyway, love a bit of Soul Asylum :slight_smile:

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