First AVOYP - Shallow

@kamkor Thanks for the feedback. I can be a little impatient with the tuner. I use a clip-on tuner and sometimes when i get in with one indicator bar of ‘perfect’ i’ll move on to the next string. Good to know you can pick up on that. Also possible that I’m unintentionally bending strings. Something i’ll try to be more aware of because I’ve also felt notes were slightly out of tune at times.

@sclay Thanks for the feedback. A few new grips in this song for me (B-minor and mini-bar A during the bridge) which are probably the two you heard being flubbed. Will work on getting those more consistently clean.

Hi Vijay, welcome to the Community, and congratulations on a great debut!

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I was not familiar with the song but nice playing! Seems like you really knew the song well.

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Hi Vijay.
What a great debut!! Sounds awsome! Great voice and great playing! That song is very very difficult to sing. So great job! :+1:
Keep it up, dont put that guitar in the closet again :grin:

Very pretty and challenging song. You did really well. Nice to meet you and hope to hear from you again soon. Do you have a next song planned yet? I really liked this song choice.