First post - hello from Nick in Northern England

Hi Nicholas, welcome. It’s easy to underestimate the physical effort required to play a musical instrument. Good you’re now keeping an adequate level of challenge that allows to enjoy your progress at a more healthy and sustainable pace.


Thanks. I should add that there was a time when I thought I had some sort of weak tendons all over. I got Achilles tendinitis in my early twenties from running and thought I’d never be able to do that. Twenty years later in lockdown I tried couch to 5k and can now run 5k with no Achilles tendon issues. That is starting off with very gentle runs/walks building up over time. I applied the same principles to playing guitar and it’s working! I’ve spent the last twenty years thinking I’d never play again


Welcome to the community and great you are playing guitar again!


Welcome welcome :metal:


Unfortunately the tendonitis is back :(. All over the place. Worst of all it’s got the tendons on the back of my right wrist as well as generally towards both elbows. I’m cutting down practice time a lot now and probably going to focus on some finger style which seems ok. Bring on more stretching, strengthening and massage! It’s not like I was playing loads (probably an hour 3 times a week having built up to that over about 9 months or so) nor using terrible technique (it’s not perfect but I’ve really focussed this time on pressure, posture, technique etc). Really have to try and nail this thing once and for all. Even looking at lifestyle generally (I eat far too much chocolate and biscuits and don’t do enough exercise for a start). There must be a reason why I get it so easily, playing piano or guitar, when my technique isn’t that bad and I’m not playing for hours on end. I do warmups too.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

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Nick, welcome to the community.


Hi Nicholas, sorry to hear your tendinitis problem is back. I cannot provide help on the actual physiological part of the issue. I would think that is more a doctor and physiotherapist field. I can help with some things that come to my mind like what did you do in the past that helped with the issue? Besides guitar are you doing something that can be straining your hand? All guitar playing is inflaming the tendons or just certain ways of playing? Although you think that your technique is not the issue you can find which ways of playing cause more trouble and check again the position of your body, arms, hand and fingers when you’re doing so.


Thanks dobleA. I’ve tried doctors and physios but to be honest that don’t really seem much help (doctors - stop what you’re doing and rest - fine but I rested for 20 years and I still came back eventually, physios - do these stretches and strengthening exercises - done them). I can’t see anything obvious in what I’m doing. Compared to when I used to play I hold my wrists much straighter when I can, play with less tension, have developed a more relaxed picking technique etc and that’s why I thought I’d nailed it this time.

Will check against all of my posture etc though when playing thanks. Had about 3 weeks now of reduced activity, more stretching, strengthening, exercise generally, better diet. There’s a chance some of it might be working (not sure which of them has helped the most and which not at all) but certain things seem to be getting slightly better, even though I’m still playing a bit.

Fingers crossed and thanks for the help!


I have since january a lateral epicondylitis, it was getting a little better but after starting the guitar it seems to flare up again also.

I hope you find a way to still play a little or at least keep on some practice time in for your passion.


Thanks Coffee119. I’m getting a bit less frustrated by it and (fingers crossed) I might be seeing a small improvement.
Hope you find a way through the old tennis elbow too. Are you doing stretching/strengthening exercises for it?

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From one northerner to another I say - Hello Nick! :slight_smile:
Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community - although you’ve obviously been hanging around for a little while in the shadows. I’m arriving late to your welcome party. You’re now a couple of months further along - how are you getting on learning with Justin’s fantastic lessons and resources? And how is the Epiphone? If it was in a garage for a long time - subject to many temperature and humidity changes, I would recommend spending a little to have a guitar tech check it over. Your issues with tendonitis must have been frustrating and painful, I hope it is fully in abeyance and stays there.
There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

Hi Richard

I think the site is excellent. I can’t believe he puts all this up there for free, especially in this day and age. Sorry for the delay I responding.

It might be worthwhile getting it checked over but with a bit of luck I might get a Fender Player Strat if I can sort out the tendonitis. On that side of things, not great, always hard work. Stretching/strengthening/massaging and everything else and it still seems to hang in there. The latest is on the ulnar side of each wrist. I do sometimes wonder if there’s some kind of tendon weakness disease that I have! I’ll keep persevering!

Really hope I can get it under control as the more I manage to play, the more I want to play even more!

Thanks for the message. Hopefully I can sort it all out in the next few months.


Sorry, been struggling with tendonitis but now feel like I’m getting on top of it. Playing more, with fewer issues (touch wood), so with that comes more motivation and hopefully will start to contribute more! Cheers.