First post - hello from Nick in Northern England

Hi All

I’ve been a member for a little while but not posted yet. What a great site this is and a great community!

Background on me is music is just a hobby but a passionate one. I’ve always struggled though with tendinitis and wrist problems. I started playing guitar at 18 (Oasis, Stone Roses - that era) but after a year or two developed issues in my hands/wrists that eventually stopped me playing. Completely self taught I expect I played with far too much tension.

A few years later I started to learn to play piano. Had some lessons. Got reasonably good and even took a few exams (played mainly classical) got up to about ABRSM grade 7 standard before suffering more tendinitis type issues in elbows and problems in my wrists. Our youngest was then also born and out of frustration with pain and also lack of time to practice I gave that up too.

One thing I did learn through learning piano though was patience. In the earlier days learning any new piece on piano took an age. Learning hands separately, then putting hands together, then trying to shape and articulate both hands etc. meant that you had to be patient. That got easier over time of course but it instilled discipline. Doing the exams, and polishing pieces for them did too.

Then last year, tendinitis free, I decided to get my old Epiphone Les Paul (now 25 years old!) out of the garage and have a play. Really tried hard to use minimal pressure from my fretting hand. Also family commitments mean I have more time than I used to but not so much time that I can spend hours every day playing (which I would do if I had the chance). The ability to only play for half an hour to an hour maybe 4 or 5 times a week also means I haven’t been able to go too far too fast and have built up some endurance/stamina (probably not the right words) over time meaning I’m currently tendinitis free (which is absolutely the best thing ever). The patience I have learnt through piano also means I’m appreciating polishing music and learning songs relatively quickly but also enjoying playing ‘easier’ music well rather than trying to push to play something by Joe Satriani when being entirely honest is beyond me.

Really also enjoying going back to basics and learning through Justin’s website. When I first played I found myself trying advanced things without actually having properly nailed some basics. Now I can find as much joy strumming a simple chord progression well, as I can from any other aspect of playing the guitar.

For anyone still reading I think that’s about it from me! Looking forward to contributing more.




Hi Nick, a very warm welcome to tbe community. Wish you all the best for your tendonitis problems a hope they’ll never come back. Enjoy your journey!


Patience Grasshopper. You have discovered the secret of success. :+1:

Welcome Nick.


Welcome to the group :wave:



Great. Thanks all. Liking this board already! :smiley:

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Welcome to the community, Nicholas :wave:

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Nicholas @ukbuk
Welcome from another from the north of England.
Michael :+1:


Welcome to the forum Nick


Welcome Nick. Good to see you on the right track this time round.


Thanks All. Yes great this time around @skinnyt . Much happier about it, playing pain free etc.

Realise I didn’t even say what music interests me! Any rock from the late 60s early 70s onwards (Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, AC/DC, Guns and Roses to name a few), some 90s/00s teen/punk stuff (Blink 182, Green day etc), a bit of emo (Funeral for a Friend, My Chemical Romance) and so late 90s early 00s UK indie. Much more varied general interest though in Elvis, blues generally, anything with a good melody. And on piano, any piano sonatas by Beethoven, particularly the Appassionata (not that I could ever get close to playing that!)

Cheers! :grinning:

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Thanks Michael. East Yorkshire here - how about you?


Welcome Nick, tendonitis isn’t fun, I know though I don’t think I ever had it that bad. I’m glad you’re finally pain free.

As of yesterday, my right shoulder of my strumming arm is starting to ache and I’m getting a sharp pain in it at some angles. I am hoping I didn’t damage the rotator cuff this time doing other more strenuous things in the garden (I can’t imagine damaging the cuff strumming?), so I’m giving it a little rest today though I am itching to play!


Thanks Luna. Hope your shoulder is ok. Like you say, best to rest now rather than damage it further then it might be ok very soon. Would be very annoyed if gardening stopped me playing!


Great stuff, you certainly are showing a great level of determination. I also wonder if using either open tunings, or slide guitar or a combination of both would give you an option to play that would require less effort from the fretting hand. Or possibly relieve stress in the shoulder?

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Nick @ukbuk
A bit further north than you in Washington


Hi Nicholas,
Welcome and have Fun :sunglasses:


Thanks all. And Tony, might check those out. My shoulders are generally fine though it’s more wrists/forearms. Cheers.

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Welcome Nick, hope you’re having fun :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome, Nick!


Hello and welcome to our community Nick. :slight_smile:

That was a good read and I’m glad that the tendinitis is staying away.