First Triads!

Learn how to easily incorporate some triad chords in your guitar playing.

View the full lesson at First Triads! | JustinGuitar

I missed this lesson! I can stay here for 2 months, so much fun playing so many triads combinations.

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Great course Justin! Love this lesson! This is my first exposure to triads and the first time I have focused on all the different relationships of the notes on the neck and bar chords. Very cool!

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Try playing major triads with your first finger across the THREE bottom strings. Lift your second finger for a minor in a chord progression, and the first finger never has to change strings…

I don’t get it, why is this lesson in Intermediate Grade 4 when it is pretty much identical to lesson 5 in module 17 in Beginner Grade 3 (How to Use Easy Triads on Guitar | ?


It says ‘Pick an easy song that uses triads’

How do we know which songs use triads ?
Do we just improvise over any song ?

I guess “easy” in this case means the song shouldn’t have more than 3 or 4 chords and should be in standard tuning so that you can practice the triad shapes as presented in the lesson.

As I’ve seen so far, Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds, for example, is a popular choice for an easy song. It uses only the A, D and E chord so it’s not difficult to try and play it using the various triad shapes.

Any song Just containing major or minor chords contains triads. Each major and minor chord only contains 3 individual notes making it a triad. That way you only have to concentrate on 3 chord tones for each chord in the progression.:sunglasses: