First video - Jolene (Dolly Parton)

Nice one! And no Irregular strumming.

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Jacob, Wow, what a pleasant surprise that was. I really enjoyed your version of this song. Loved the unassuming guitar and great vocal.

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This was FANTASTIC!! Everything was performed perfectly in my opinion. So do you sing and play to the public? Amazing. I loved your little side smile at the end.


Pamela, thank you for the kind words. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
I have never played the guitar in public (I don’t count campfire songs with friends and family here), but when I was young I did do some singing in public - high school bands, choir, amateur musicals and such. Never professionally.
I learned a bit of guitar some 25 years ago, but was always stuck at a beginner level, I felt. Strumming some chords and singing along. But no real guitar technique and skill. About six months ago I picked up the guitar again, determined to try and learn it for real this time, quickly realizing that I have so much to learn if I want to go beyond my usual beginner level.
This video is me still strumming chords and singing along, but with improved time feel, which matters a lot, and probably improved strumming technique. From here on there is so much I want to learn and I started working on things like chord embellishments, hammer-on and pull-offs, small riffs or melody lines, a tiny bit of finger style.
All this just to say that I hope some day to become skilled enough that I would feel comfortable doing an actual guitar gig and feeling like I did the songs justice. Which is still a long way off, but I feel like I’m making progress, which is encouraging.


This was great. Really steady rhythm and clean chord changes. I wish I could sing like you can. Have you heard the White Stripes do this? They played it at Glastonbury in 2002 ish and it is brilliant it’s on YouTube. Maybe you could change the focus of the vocals little as an experiment…

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Thanks, @mileso. I have heard the White Stripes version and it’s fantastic.
I’m up for an experiment, but I’m not sure what you mean by “change the focus of the vocals” ?

Well done, I enjoyed that

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What a voice! :sunglasses:

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