First week here

So… I’ve had my guitar for 8 days now, been on this site with you guys for what 5 days? And loving it.
Finally cracked the practice log in here but will still manually journal my progress for prosperity but the timer and metronome are a great addition to my practice. I’m up around 25 changes a minute but find when setting the metronome to 120 it REALLY helps me. I’ve done mod 1 and will move on to Mod 2 but am under no illusion that mod 1 sessions will still need regular practice, especially Chord perfect, chord changes and strumming timing.
Excited to see what comes next :love_you_gesture:


Welcome aboard, Dean. Enjoy.

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Hi Dean
A warm welcome to the community :smiling_face:
All the best and lots of fun on your guitar journey :grinning: :sunflower:


Update, Its mod 1&2 I’ve done, so moving on from A&D now, it must’ve been my over excited, tired mind last night. So moving in to the next stage now Grade 1 Mod 3😂


Welcome to the forum Dean

welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome to the world of guitar and music!

Don’t you worry about having to regularly practice modules, those learned lessons will always come back to you in new modules and/or songs you wanna play and will never be without practicing them.

Have fun!!


Hi Dean, welcome again to the community. I noticed that this is the second post that you put into the Introduce Yourself section in the community. If you want to put regular updates to your progress you might want to consider putting a post into the Learning Log area in the Community Hub. You can update that section as much as you want. If you look at others learning log you will be inspired like I was when I started.

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Cheers I’ll have a look, still getting used to the site

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Thanks for the pointer, I posted a learning log and that’s exactly what I wanted to do the other night but wasn’t sure how or where to do it. Hopefully this will help me. Even if nobody reads it just writing down the stumbling blocks and positives will help somehow.

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Hi Dean, no worries, I posted a lot of things to odd places in the community until I got it figured out. I’m still learning.

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Hi Dean,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of more fun here :sunglasses:

And don’t worry, you really won’t be able to break it :smile:


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Hello Dean :slightly_smiling_face:

A warm welcome to the community :sunflower:

Seems that you are making good progress and enjoying it a lot!

Oh yes, the forum is huge and can be a bit overwhelming at first. But it is a great place full of very kind and helpful people.

Enjoy your musical journey and have loads of fun and success :notes: :guitar:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:


:wave: Welcome to the group Dean. Enjoy


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Welcome to the community Dean. Wishing you lots of fun on your guitar journey!


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