For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield Lesson

Starting fooling around with this song. It’s a classic and I love it. I was struggling to do one strum per bar for the verses because my hand naturally went back to strumming the 2-3-4. While trying to figure out what to do with my strumming hand I started tapping 2-3-4 on the guitar top. It adds a really interesting dynamic to the song (IMHO). I’ll find out at the local picking circle on Sunday.

Alos, when singing my voice seems to go really LOW. Must be the key of E. I sound like a bad Tom Waite :).

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Hi @sticktothemuse, don’t forget to keep your strumming hand up and down with the beat, even if you’re only strumming on beat one. It will help you keep the rhythm and will facilitate making the move to a more complex strumming pattern.

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