Found my love, my wife and my singer! Our first sort of public performance with the extended family - Daylight

Hey everyone!

I haven’t been active here for a year. Even though my practice and playing has been way down during this time due to, well, life - we managed to perform at a family event preceding our wedding early December.

My love for playing and her love for singing was how we started talking and well, here we are!

Due to the rushed up nature of the whole thing we did not get time to have the electronics setup for performing, so the audio is far from perfect. Hoping you still enjoy it. :slight_smile:


Super stuff Prabhat, what a great performance by you both. Your (now I presume) wife has a lovely voice and you accompanied her very confidently so I hope to hear more from both of you here on AVoYP.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile: . And yes absolutely!!

Also have to restart my lessons as i seem to be hitting a plateau now.

Well done both of you, have a happy musical life together! You make a great duo, getting back to learning again will only make improvement.

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Hi Prabhat,
Welcome back and …What a great story :smiley: :sunglasses: :partying_face:…and beautiful stage decoration …nice to watch and listen to :sunglasses:

Greetings :lotus:

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Just lovely…beautiful voice and very confident playing from your part…thanks for sharing it and for telling us this amazing story of Love and Music!

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Lovely music making, a lovely new wife - you are a lucky man Prabhat!

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Wow! How fun is that! Best of wishes for a long, happy journey together!

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That was fabulous, Prabhat. So much joy always makes it special. Your wife has a wonderful voice to go with her love of singing and your play was smooth and confident. Bravo

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@mfeeney0110 Indeed I am… thank you! :slight_smile:

@DarrellW Thank you Darrell!

@roger_holland Thank you Roger… yeah it was setup very well which was why we went with the place.

@Silvia80 Yeah she has the most beautiful voice! Thanks!!

@Jamolay Thanks Joshua

@DavidP Thank you David… we were really nervous… somehow came out well enough!

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Your electronics may not be perfect but your performance certainly is! Well done!

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Wow congrats to you two ! It’s the dream life, mixing love and your passion for music :slight_smile:

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Wonderful performance and congratulations! What a great passion to share together.

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Congratulations all around! How lovely to bond over music, it doesn’t get much better than that!

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Wow, that was lovely, you two together! :heart:

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That was fabulous guys and I wish you both a long and happy life together.

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