Four 3 hour gigs in October done and dusted

:kissing_heart:thank you

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Does life get any better? I think not.

That was a great watch, Ron. 3 hours per set, impressive.

Until you start learning guitar you just don’t realise how hard it is and how much practice goes into learning a song and you just think that players know every song going.

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Glad you enjoyed it Stefan. :smiley:
Doing the requests is daunting but they found my full song list on my Facebook page so they were asking for songs I already knew how to play. Thankfully :sweat_smile:

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Oh no, that wasn’t a negative critique. It’s something that Chris Liepe calls a vocal break. Yes it can happen accidentally, which happens, but it’s something that can be timed when you want, with practice.

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Excellent stuff, Ron!!! Congratulations on an truly fantastic session(s) playing for so many people! Very inspiring! Way to go!!!


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That’s really cool Ron. I didn’t know anyone even heard of billy ray cyrus in Australia-lol. Amazing show and definitely something I’d be up for doing sometime soon. Thanks for sharing.

Jeff from California

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Thank you Tod. It has been a journey but I now feel I am on my way. :smiley:

Thank you Jeff.
Billy Ray Who :rofl::joy: