G# Major? Where was this covered?

I need to know the G# Major scale for an exercise. The only problem is - I have no idea where that was covered in the PMT course. I don’t remember it (which given my memory is not surprising in the least).

The way I worked it out it should look like this:
G# A# C C# D# F G G#
I looked it up online and this is the form:
G# A# B# C# D# E# F## G#

Yeah, ok. I can see how that is derived but I don’t understand the theory as to why?
Anyway, looking for clarification.

Take the G major scale and put a sharp symbol after each and every note. Including the already sharp F# making it double sharp.
That is a quick one-step of using what you know to figure out what you don’t know.

Or, do it from first principles using the major scale forma and the note circle - which are definitely in the theory course.


Also, each “letter” has to appear once and only once in the scale, so no sequences like C - C# or G - G# and leaving the E out altogether.


I like to think about this from first principles (like Richard mentions).
Every major scale must have some sort of each note. In this case some sort of G, some A, some B etc. So you can start by writing G, A, B, C, D, E, F. Now you know the G has to be G#. Then apply the T, T, S, T, T, T, S formula of a major scale to work out any other sharps and flats.
A tone up from G# gives you A#. Another tone could take you to C, however you know it must be some sort of B, so its B# etc.