GarageBand Tutorial recommendation?

Can anyone recommend a GarageBand tutorial for a relatively computer savvy digital immigrant?
Or any other recommendation to get started?

I think Justin has some. Check his youtube channel.

This one is quite good, it covers a lot of what you need to know.

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Thanks CT.

Thanks Socio, not sure why I didn’t see these links in the actual lesson about recording.

Thank you DarrellW. Along with the Justin videos I should have it covered now.
Appreciate the link.

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Maybe someone can help - for the first time ever I tried to connect my Spark Go to GarageBand on my iPad but can’t get GarageBand to record use the device. When I connect the 2, I do get a message about turning monitoring on or cancelling it but when I look at the input settings all I see is automatic, monitor and noise gate - from the endless videos I have watched I am assuming that I should see a control setting for inputs or channels?

@Jonjdarcy, according to this

the Spark Go does not work as an AI on mobile devices, unfortunately.

Thank you