it’s about two years ago that I started my guitar journey with Justin (initially a lot with electrical now mainly with acoustic guitar).
So far I have never shared anything (only with my family which is unavoidable somehow and with my great guitar teacher Lieven!) and it was on my list of things to achieve this year to start sharing and actively contributing to the community as well.
So here we go - my firsty - a quite simple but so amazing Johnny Cash piece ( but it does not make it easier for me somehow to get my act together and to stay in time :)).
It is a recording with my mobile and with my “travel guitar” and it is work in progress
Well played and sung Andreas. I liked the bass note beat. Great debut AVoYP.
Are you left handed? If not, you need to change the settings in your phone.
Thank you @sairfingers ! Ha, you are absolutely right and I did no realise before. I have to figure out how to change the settings to mirror the camera.
Very well played Andreas!! sounded very good both guitar and singing.
A pleassure to listening to… As someone mentioned. Youre voice really suits Cash tunes.