Giving up

I’m posting this with a heavy heart… Please Delete if not allowed…
As much as I love guitars and Zombie Guitar, and everything that comes with it…it is taking up too much of my time. I am struggling to keep up with the everyday basics of cleaning and cooking and maintaining my home, so something has to give. I will be getting rid of my collection.
Below is a list of what’s available. Serious inquiries only, and please don’t insult me with low offers.
Thanks for reading and understanding…
1. Dustpan and broom
2. Sponges
3. Toilet spray
4. Mop and bucket
5. Window cleaner
6. Vacuum
7. Dishwashing liquid
8. Laundry detergent
9. Fabric softener
10. Laundry baskets
11. Toilet brush
12. Cleaning sprays
13. Lawnmower
14. Snowblower

(Worth a share, taken from the Zombie Guitar forum) :crazy_face: This guy has his priorities in order.

Cheers, Shane



Don’t mess with us that way!! :rofl:


Got me there Shane lmao! Although that italic had raised my sus :laughing:

That was a good share!!! Love it!!!

Kinda like the old joke about how a guy’s wife tells him that his sports car is too expensive & needs to go. So he puts an ad in the newspaper that says:

Have to sell.
Good runner, nice looking, fast from the start, purrs like a kitten. Low mileage, never let me down till now. But I have to get rid of her.
God I’m going to miss my wife!


May as well keep the jokes goin’.


Ok, I’ll stop now…



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OMFG Shane!! You scared me!! But LMFAO!! :rofl: :rofl:
Very relieved! Glad to see you have your priorities straight!! :+1:t2: :guitar:

Classic mate, that was good.

:rofl::rofl:, brilliant, and just after I’d finished mopping the floors :+1:

Hahahahaha!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

For a small second there i thought you were about to throw your blues overboard Shane!


No mate. The wife would go before that…:rofl::nerd_face:

Hahahaha :rofl:

Oh, youre that deep into the hole? :rofl:
Yeah, never ever stop playing youre blues Shane! Almost spilled my coffee there when reading it.

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Jeepers that had me worried Shane.
You’re a very naughty boy. :rofl:

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Love it. Like the others, I was getting worried reading through it :wink:

My thoughts too: “Not Shane! What?”

But I could use that snowblower….


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I need one of those!