I like your suggestion of layering when it comes to singing and playing. It’s much like the approach I’ve taken to playing generally (practice the chords, learn the rhythm with muted strings etc) so I have confidence that with patience it can work.
Good luck with your goals too. Modest goals are achievable goals and if you have them all ticked off by April you can always add more.
Complete my 2 Blues coursebooks, and have at a minimum, intermediate+ level competency in all the contents. ( Am about 1/3 way there after 6 months, so on track).
Continue to learn Blues songs, solos, arrangements etc to expand on the above.
Continue to develop 2 hand synchronisation, alt, economy, and hybrid picking techniques
Continue with theory studies, and practical application.
General life goals;
One overarching, and serious, endeavour this year; to be considerably more forthright against nonsense, and less tolerant of fools - diplomatically of course. . ( not required in this great community).
@LievenDV I recently read Atomic Habits. I’m a lifelong reader and I had not come across this book, how did that happen? I’ve implemented some of the techniques and they are paying off already. In about a month I’m going to re-read the book to learn more and go deeper. I’ve considered getting the audiobook, what did you think about it?
The problem with resolutions is they’ve got a bad name and possibly rightly so because they’re typically unrealistic/unsustainable. I didn’t do them for years because I thought they were a waste of breath but I look at them differently now. There’s no harm making an honest assessment of our lives and seeing how we can move things forward in some small way. The turn of the year is as good a time as any to do this.
I have no problem calling my Jan 1 Goals “Resolutions” as I know what they actually are. I support others who even make desperate resolutions as they may be lost and are reaching out for SOMETHING to make changes in their lives. Here and there, it works. We know those that do this without some sort of resolve and plan normally fail, but hey … sometimes they don’t. I personally have made wishful resolutions that were doomed to fail, but if I didn’t make them, I would have given up before I had started, and that is even worse in my mind.
I still refer to it on a daily basis and I notice coaches in different domains seem to do so as well.
I’ve taken some valuable principles from it.
“Something only becomes a habit by actually DOING it”.
Sounds so simple but I try to practices the “showing up and doing the reps”
This post even takes some ocntent from it directly
Based on a comment like yours above, I just joined a reasonably local folk song circle that welcomes beginners. I’ve asked “how does this work” and I’m sure they will respond. I’ll jump in, stuff a sock in my f-hole, and have at it. I’ve heard over and over that playing with others is the main catalyst for improvement, and I believe it, so we shall see!