Goals for 2024 (guitar plus life in general)

My goals/ Intentions are always the same…

I resolve to be kind to every person and animal almost every day of the week… almost on Monday almost on Tuesday almost on Wednesday almost on Thursday almost etc etc :roll_eyes:

I wish you all a lot of fun every day at least one moment one big smile ,anyway fun :sunglasses:



Hi Matthew! Great to see your goals in 2024, and on top of that it is dedicated to guitar!

Take your time and do one thing at a time, you would be progress real quick and enjoy your new found skill with your friends =)

PS For guitar - my goal is to get as good as, uhm, one step closer to that of Mike Dawes
Non-guitar related - get a job and be an expat in UK :muscle:


Non-guitar related - finish the bloody refurb which takes ages (although final touches now!!) :grinning:

Guitar related - learn songs learn songs learn songs :laughing: definitely spend more time with guitar comparing to last few months which limited that spare availability I had.

I would love to attend some other local OM again and get myself together to finally perform, although regulars most likely will feel I sound like a broken record every year :laughing:


I don’t usually set goals (I end up ignoring them anyway :D) but for this year I want to at least finish grade 3, bonus point if I actually start transcribing stuff, lots of song I want to learn that have no tabs or incomplete ones, but my attempt so far have been frustrating to say the last


I think it’s at least important to have a direction to head in. Whether you move quickly along that road or at a more sedate pace, it’s not that important, you’re at least moving forward.

I’ve had phases where I haven’t had goals because I knew I’d probably fail and while I didn’t fail at anything, I also didn’t achieve much either. Ideally goals shouldn’t be simple pass/fail goals. If your target is to run a marathon in under 4 hours, then if you manage 4 hours and 5 minutes, is that a terrible failure? Was all of the training a complete waste of time? Hopefully not. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed some of the steps along the way and being 5 minutes over some arbitrary target is much better than where you’d be if you didn’t try at all. I think we should all set goals, they just need to be well considered

Happy 2024. You definitely can achieve the goal of singing and playing. Start with three easy steps. First write down your song lyrics and write the chord above the exact lyric. Second, play just the chords that change while singing. Strum just once per chord change. Third, play a steady downstrum while singing and change chords as necessary. After you master each step, add the strumming pattern or flavor to the song. A little over a year ago I thought it was impossible and now I’ve done it for about 70 or so songs the past year or so. Good luck.

My guitar goals lately are fundamental. I still can’t play scales and solo when it counts. After failing repeatedly I am going to try again this year. Justin’s blues course seems to be a good fit to improve that. 12 bar blues etc. translates into a lot of music types. I need to master the whole fretboard instead of sticking to the first 4 frets so much. I also plan on doing some open mic shows. I perform in public but never have in an organized show. Modest goals for me. I won’t play like Eddie Van Halen this year, but hope to gain people who like to hear my music.

Thanks for the topic.



I would love to find a music class like that. That really sounds like an awesome idea.

I appreciate the frustration you feel when transcribing. I’ve never been good at it and am still not, but committing time to it has been worth it for me. Having a tool, like transcribe, that allowed me to both slow the song and loop a section, made it less frustrating. Also, I decided that I would transcribe each song suggested by Justin in the various modules, regardless of knowing or liking the song. After the first 6 or so, I was still getting frustrated, but I could see improvement. After another 10, more improvement. I did this over time, spread out with learning other skills and playing songs. While I’m still not very good at it, frustration is no longer the main obstacle for me to take on transcribing a song or a section of one.
Keep at it, don’t expect immediate results, and give yourself bonus points for each success, an into, a riff, a fill, whatever, as you develop the skills.

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My goals for this year are:

  1. Guitar related - Carry on practicing every day, progress grade 3 and learn more songs!

  2. Non guitar related - To learn British Sign Language as I may need it in the future :slight_smile: BSL will be taught in schools from September 2025.


I like your suggestion of layering when it comes to singing and playing. It’s much like the approach I’ve taken to playing generally (practice the chords, learn the rhythm with muted strings etc) so I have confidence that with patience it can work.

Good luck with your goals too. Modest goals are achievable goals and if you have them all ticked off by April you can always add more.

I’m excited! School of Rock for adults :smile:

I think for me on the guitar front it is…

1, deep dive into the blues.
2, perfect 10 campfire songs.
3, make sure I do my 1 hour practice every day.

On the non guitar front, I was made redundant 2 weeks before Christmas so it is to find another job.


Good luck on the job front, hope you find something soon

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Thanks Matt, hopefully something will come along.

Good plan on the guitar front! Sorry to hear about the unintentional challenge to find a new job. Good luck Stefan!

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A few guitar goals for '24;

  1. Complete my 2 Blues coursebooks, and have at a minimum, intermediate+ level competency in all the contents. ( Am about 1/3 way there after 6 months, so on track).

  2. Continue to learn Blues songs, solos, arrangements etc to expand on the above.

  3. Continue to develop 2 hand synchronisation, alt, economy, and hybrid picking techniques

  4. Continue with theory studies, and practical application.

General life goals;

One overarching, and serious, endeavour this year; to be considerably more forthright against nonsense, and less tolerant of fools - diplomatically of course. :nerd_face:. ( not required in this great community).

Cheers, Shane


Guitar Goals

  • Play Each Day That I Am Home, Even If Just Some Songs
  • Be Able To Impromptu Sit-In On Easy Campfire Songs
  • Be Well Into Intermediate Grade 4 By The End of the Year
  • Sing Songs While Playing
  • Join Some Sort of Local Jam Group or Other Regular Meeting Group
  • Enjoy the Above Process

Non-Guitar Goals

  • Continue with Weight and BJJ Training
  • Enter Three BJJ Competitions
  • Use the Above to Gain Control of My Body Composition
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@jkahn I am looking to meet some locals as well. How are you going to go about that, look on the board at the local music stores?

@LievenDV I recently read Atomic Habits. I’m a lifelong reader and I had not come across this book, how did that happen? I’ve implemented some of the techniques and they are paying off already. In about a month I’m going to re-read the book to learn more and go deeper. I’ve considered getting the audiobook, what did you think about it?

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I think you nailed it here with some good ones.

The problem with resolutions is they’ve got a bad name and possibly rightly so because they’re typically unrealistic/unsustainable. I didn’t do them for years because I thought they were a waste of breath but I look at them differently now. There’s no harm making an honest assessment of our lives and seeing how we can move things forward in some small way. The turn of the year is as good a time as any to do this.