Good songs in other languages?

I canā€™t help recalling the Swedish Chef in Sesame Street.

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Once again I have scrolled through this whole and once again no one has posted Osibisa !
I guess it could be an age thing but from their iconic album Heads and frequently appearances on TOGWT but definitely a band that I feel in love with a the ripe old age of 16 !

Kokorokoo (warning contains some inglish :rofl: )


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I still find this thread absolutely fascinatingā€¦ Almost every post makes me want to do research on artists, bands, music genres, music history etc. ā€¦ :star_struck:

But noā€¦ Gotta to be strong, should practiceā€¦ So I will only post the probably most mous song of one of my favourite Finnish bandsā€¦ And then practice still a bitā€¦

Sacre bleu ! I cannae see that one !


Which one? The YUP song I had posted? Something else? In case it was YUPā€¦ Here is a live version

Yeah that was the one. Not my usual java but an eclectic catchy little song. :metal:

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Anything by Cheik Lo or Youssou Nā€™dour



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Well ,Good songs good song , you may have doubts about this one, but with the sun in the garden, the terrace coming upā€¦ it just makes me happy now :sunglasses:

Specially on the radio today in the special Olympic radio broadcastā€¦

Iā€™m looking forward to it ā€¦Paris here we come :sunglasses:

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