Good songs in other languages?

There are so many beautiful songs in languages other than English.

This lovely community is international, so I’m sure we can compile a long list of good songs. The only rule is that these songs may not have English lyrics. :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me start with this one …


I have a couple of good ones in Spanish by my current favourite band!
They also make great videos!


The Warning are great :slightly_smiling_face: I still remember who Iistened to their whole back catalogue when you wrote about them here approx. one year ago.

Apart from The Warning, there is so much good rock, punk etc. with Spanish lyrics. In fact I really thought, what would Darrell think when I heard this song for the first time…


I lived in the Netherlands :netherlands: for 9 years up to 2011 and this was one of the bands I used to listen to a lot.
Always loved this song from van dik hout- Stil in mij


That’s a really nice one. Just the right amount of kitschy :slightly_smiling_face:

What is he singing about though? My German and basic Swedish get in the way “you are still in me?”

Stil in mij = silent inside of me :slight_smile:
Let me listen and I’ll see if I can give you some kind of translation


My Dutch is pretty rusty by now :joy: but I believe it refers to “peace inside me” as in contentment within me.

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Ah… “stil” like German “still”. That does make much more sense :slightly_smiling_face:

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More or less translated (from lyrics I found online):

Come sit down with me, put your arm around me and hold me tight
All those faces, known but polite, as if I’m a stranger
And tonight life shows it’s true face

Come lie down with me, put your body around me, I have been cold
We have to win, the pretence is mean en is expected from us
And tonight love shows it’s true face

And it’s so quiet inside of me
I don’t have words for anything
It’s so quiet inside of me
And the world just keeps turning
It’s so quiet inside of me
I don’t have words for anything
It’s so quiet inside of me

Come sit down with me, put your arm around me and hold me tight
All those face and only you like you were yesterday
And tonight you showed your true face

Come lie down with me, put your body around me, I have been cold
You don’t have to say anything anymore, the truth already speaks through our eye contact
And tonight we show our true face

And it’s so quiet inside of me
I don’t have words for anything
It’s so quiet inside of me
And the world just keeps turning
It’s so quiet inside of me
I don’t have words for anything
It’s so quiet inside of me

Everyone looks but no one says what they think

Everyone seems but no one is who you think
And it’s so … quiet inside of me

ah yes @LadyOfTheCastle was Flemish (Belgian) too as I remember :wink:

Indeed - I speak the more beautiful version of Dutch :wink:

This is a song I always wanted to be able to play and sing. Some day, I will reach this goal :smiling_face:. So beautiful, and so full of positive vibes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


I’m learning Italian.

This one will be in my setlist someday :smiley:


You might like this Lieven. Eros Ramazotti also does a version of “musica e’ “with Pavarotti which is long but beautiful.


On holidays in the Greek Islands I came across Rebetika (or Rebetiko, or Rembetika) which is sometimes described as “Greek Blues”

I have a couple of CDs by a band called The Rembetika Hipsters, who sing in Greek, but are actually Canadian! They have an amazing version of “Wicked Game” on YT, but I won’t post it here, as it’s in English. Instead here’s one of their album tracks


Yeah it still is a classic here in Belgium but it’s extra challenging to memorize as the song keeps modulating :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lots of non English material out there, this thread has been running for a while.

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Darrell, I just love it when you post The Warning performances. I think I love this band almost as much as you!


I used to tutor children whose naitive language is Mandarin. As a going away present for them, I recorded this song. It was my first year of guitar learning, so I only played chords. I’m pretty sure it was terrible, but it was a labor of love. Anyway, I love this beautiful song. I still know the Mandarin lyrics. One day I’ll get around to learning to play and sing the whole song properly. I can’t find a guitar version with lyrics to post, but the tab and tutorials are easily found online. The English title is: The Moon Represents My Heart


Aaah… that one :slightly_smiling_face: There is a Finnish Schlager version of this song that’s something like a national treasure. Almost everybody knows it.

But the best Finnish version is probably this one…

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