Grade progression testing

What do you need a certificate for unless you want to teach music at a school already providing accredited diplomas or play in a professional orchestra? In these cases, studying at a real music school would be the best option. Otherwise, I can only repeat the suggestions about one-on-one sessions with one of the approved teachers.

I think that Justin falls on the more spoonfeeding side regarding his teaching method, but in the long run that should teach students to become more independent and be able to judge their abilities. The various grades also have explicit ā€œrequirementsā€ that should be met before moving on. Of course, itā€™s up to everyone to decide when to move on and lessons can be revisited anytime if you think you need to work on something a little more.

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Doing a lesson (or more) with one of the approved teachers is a fabulous thing - Iā€™m doing it now. However, it may not be for everyone: scheduling issues are real both in terms of finding a workable time (Iā€™m on the west coast of the U.S.) and availability within those times of the teachers; paying the teacher (resources); paying the teacher (technology); just not having enough bandwidth (kids, job, elder care) in ones life to add yet another (somewhat complicated) task to it.

It seems that having a defined evaluation to work toward might be very helpful to many of these folks. Again, I understand it may not be feasible. And itā€™s certainly not for everyone.

Hi Judi - I would have thought that if you donā€™t have the time and resources for an hourā€™s lesson, then you probably donā€™t have the time and resources for an exam either.

Itā€™s a difficult issue and is clearly going to divide opinions :slight_smile:

PS Iā€™ve spent most of my career trying to arrange calls with you pesky west coast Americans!

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Maybe, maybe notā€¦folks have talked about charging for the exam, but no amount was given. And with Justinā€™s philosophy of ā€œeveryone playsā€, there may be a way around that.

Yes, frustrating isnā€™t it! Iā€™ve had my share of 5am con callsā€¦ With our globalized economy, time zones are a challenge for us all these days.

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Some discussion on graded exams here including input from our Richard and Jason who have done rock school grades

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I can somewhat understand exams within the theory section. ----- In the classical world, there is a huge issue about musicians who have past the exam, though unable to play music! Brandon Acker have recently touched the subject, ā€œā€" Are GOOD guitarists POOR musicians? The crisis of classical guitar"ā€œā€" in an interview with a person who have exams. I have my own opinion about her playing which I will not post here, as it is not positive at all.

Are GOOD guitarists POOR musicians?

Exams on theory ok, exams on the actual playingā€¦no way IMHO.


Some interesting points/opinions already made.
This would be a big no from me. Iā€™m 70 and started with JG aged 64 and the last thing I would want is to feel I have to sit an exam. Iā€™m well aware of my standard of guitar play without sitting an exam. Posting AVoYPs and getting feedback (even if it does err on the positivešŸ˜„) is enough.
Guitar is a fun hobby for me and the Community is a fun interaction with like minded friends.


Similar to my thoughts. Iā€™m the wrong side of 50 and play guitar for enjoyment, not to sit exams and collect certificates. I pick the songs I want to learn because I like them, not because they meet an exam criteria. And Iā€™m doing just fine without having to study theory!

I donā€™t see what it gives you. You sit a driving test so you can drive a car on public roads without supervision but thereā€™s no pay off like that for guitar. Level 6 doesnā€™t get you a show at Wembley.

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a bad idea just not for me


Very creative ideas you have there. But if youā€™re looking for a way to work within the confines of what is available, until something else can be implemented, I think the easiest solution would be to schedule a single lesson with one of the approved teachers. Theyā€™ll surely assess where you are in your journey and have a few constructive suggestions of what you need to improve on. If itā€™s the notoriety that youā€™re looking for I recommend playing in front of someone.

I think itā€™s a fantastic idea. Implementing something like a ā€œJustin Guitar Community Examinerā€ where students can book a 15-minute online exam for a small fee could be a great way to provide valuable feedback and certificates for progress.


Thank you all for taking the time to respond and give personal input.
I have enjoyed reading all perspectives so far.

Please keep in mind that exams will NEVER be compulsory. (Dont be offended)
Just like you do not have to buy any of the books on the website or the Paid apps.
Itā€™s just adding another possible income stream, Another feature on the site, and maybe attracting more people to the JG.

Most people have not liked the exam idea so far.
This post has gained more attention than I expected hopefully Justin would also see it one day.

Keep posting your thoughts on this topic.

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The problem with Justin giving exams and certificates is they would be worthless to anyone but the person receiving the certificate. Yes Justin is a certified music teacher and has taught at well known music institutions. The problem in isnā€™t a certified music institution, itā€™s a free online guitar website. If you really need to be tested so you can receive a certificate sign-up at your local Community Collage and take music classes.