Grade progression testing

I know this is a free site with a few lessons and materials that you can pay for, besides the ear training test and the Grade 1-3 strumming lessons.

Is there a person we could pay via this portal to do a Grade Exam? This would help us see if we are ready to progress and maybe even get a certificate. This is just an idea and not compulsory; people can continue progressing as they are without the exam.


You could book a date and time with a “Justin Guitar Community Examiner.” You enter the grade of the exam that you are about to be tested on. The test would be conducted online via Skype, Discord, or whatever platform Justin decides on. You pay an amount (e.g., “15-minute exam = $20”). The exam would include 2 minutes for feedback and recommendations. If you pass, you get a certificate that could be added to your profile on the site and something you can print out and show to your family.

This is just a suggestion, and I am not sure if this has been asked before. I believe it’s a great way to give some of the volunteers and community members a chance to earn some cash while continuing their great work.

Discussion Points:

  1. How long would it take for each exam to cover all topics in the grade, including theory and practical playing?
  2. What would be a fair price to pay if the exam was 30 minutes max? Should all grades have the same price?
  3. Besides examining, would the examiners be willing to assist with certain modules for a fee?
  4. Create a section on the website to celebrate those who have passed exams.
  5. Module assisted bundle, 2 x 15 min help session on a module, and a practice run exam?

I am sure many people here would love to go back and get a certificate for grades they have already mastered, just to support this community.

I hope this suggestion does not offend anyone. I would love to know others’ opinions on this topic.


Hi Earl ,
There are tests…big ones… that you can take at every grade, the idea of ​​an official paper/exam has been around for a long time in Justins head and sayings and has been working on how to work this out for a while, although I think that this idea has been put to a low level by the BLIM course anyway … so maybe in the future, :crossed_fingers:

Edit:I would like to add that a certified course will be a huge added value for a lot of people, but especially for Justin’s masterpiece the Theory course ,
It is not without reason that this is a long-cherished wish from him :sunglasses:

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Hi Earl -

My first thought was this was a great idea, and I love the innovative thinking. However, I have always liked exams ( yeah, … I know!) and I do well in them.

I think there a lots of people out there who would hate the exam idea in particular playing in front of someone else - it’s a very personal thing but some people have a real fear of exams.

I know you are saying this wouldn’t be compulsory but if there was a formal acknowledgement like this there are people who wouldn’t feel they had completed the grade ‘properly’ without the test.

If you want to know if you are ready for the next grade, then I expect any of our lovely approved teachers would be happy to schedule a 1-2-1 lesson to assess and give you feedback.

Just my thoughts!

hi !

you can do it if you want by paying for a one to one session with a JG official teacher :slight_smile:
he will tell you all you want to know and assess your progress

Thank you for your kind response.

Yes believe most people will not want to do the exam. Only people like me need the feeling that I am doing it right and working towards a goal while having fun. A little certificate on the wall.
Yes, Not for everyone, and nobody should feel obligated just like the donations.
Also, the people testing need to be compensated for their time and expertise and this site needs to live on.

I do hope that this thread gets the right attention. I would be happy to help put this into action as well.

I think it’s a neat idea. I’ve just started lessons with a Justin Approved instructor. I know this isn’t what you are suggesting, but it’s how I’m getting my feedback from someone with tremendous knowledge of Justin’s courses and their own way of tailoring it (and their own material) to me. So … yes, I think it would be great, and I hope that someday that program materializes.

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It’s an interesting idea. It’s probably a service that I would have bought when I was in the beginner grades as feedback is an important part of the learning process.

In the intermediate grades, the idea of testing would have to be personalized based on your guitar goals. Since there is no strict curriculum and things that you have to do to pass the intermediate grades. It’s more a pick what you need approach from the modules and go as deep as you need depending on your goals. It would still be interesting and probably take a few sessions with an approved teacher to personalize that custom path.

Sorry but I have to say no to this.

  1. Do you think that the current (revamped) needs to be better?

2.Do you feel you’re not up to judging for your self, your own grade.?

That is quite important as JG’s grade /tests are not an ABRSM exam. On top of this, (I think this still applies), that in order to progress beyond Grade 5 practical, Grade 5 theory MUST be passed.

Perhaps a teacher can check this is still the case or not.!
I cannot see the point in taking an exam that actually isn’t an exam.!

I haven’t checked how exams are done these days but there are parts to an exam that will be done.

Aural, la la la’s.
Play 3 pieces with the examiner from a choice of 9.
Verbal (Q and A)
This will vary on instrument I suspect. !

Lastly, the exams aren’t to be taken lightly, although the examiners are friendly and highly professional, they are also strict.

What do you want from JG’s exams and why.?

If you really feel the need to have an exam, take your ABRSM. There are different exams for Acoustic and electric and obviously classical too.

I don’t mean to come across as blunt or negative but I honestly feel there is absolutely no point to a JG exam.

If you trust JG take an ABRSM but if you don’t what’s the point.


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  1. Do you think that the current (revamped) needs to be better?


  1. Do you feel you’re not up to judging for yourself, or your grade?

For the most part, yes.

  1. What do you want from JG’s exams and why?

Well, all this practice and homework need to lead to something. Otherwise, I would just play all the videos without putting in the work, and then I wouldn’t be able to play an A-major chord. It provides a sense of accomplishment and achievement, along with a defined set of goals for the participating community to look forward to accomplishing.

  1. I don’t mean to come across as blunt or negative.

I like and respect your views on this topic. I had to look up ABRSM to get a better understanding of it, and it has educated me about something I didn’t know before. I was familiar with other piano grading systems but not this one. It’s great to have opposing views as this gives me greater insight into the idea, and perhaps most people in the community are not interested, which is fine with me and I have to respect this viewpoint.

I value your opinion and thank you for taking the time to respond; it is very informative.

I know nothing, hence I go looking for answers.


And that is a surprise to me lol…

We both learn lol

I know that ABRSM may be difficult or impossible depending on country , so maybe research what systems is available near to you. I would be interested purely for info what other professional music grading systems are available world wide besides ABRSM. :slight_smile:


The last exam I took was 51 years ago and I would not want to go back there. The best exam room on this site is AVOYP, display the skills that you have acquired and receive feedback from your peers. On this journey you have to be honest with yourself and be diligent in your practice. My ears will tell me if I am getting this right or wrong. Just MHO,

But hey I could be in the minority.



Seeing the avoyp topic as an exam is a bit like getting shoelace bow (veterstrik ) diploma :smile:… only the first time is exciting but you always pass,

as I have said before, Justin would really appreciate a diploma/certificate and it would add great value to the Theory course, and for the rest it is apples and oranges and there are plenty of “measurement” points to be found where you are or I think that’s how you feel about it too…

My not so humble opinion :sunglasses:

Greetings all and have fun learning :smiley:

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I don’t see the point about a JG exam either, but I like to emphasize, that’s only my personel opinion! Learning to play guitar, going through the grades and spending time in the community are spare time activities for me, it’s part of my relaxation. Playing guitar and progressing has become a wonderful part of my life and I take it quite “serious” to move ahead, but there are plenty of challenges IRL I have to master, the last thing I need would be an exam with a sticker on my avatar.
I’ve passed quite a lot of exams in my life and don’t see, what a piece of paper on the wall should do for me.
I know where I am, I know my weak spots and whenever I would need some additional support or assessment, I would reach out for an approved teacher or an in person teacher where I live.
What I could imagine is kind of a “are you ready for XY” self test (for me, at a point, that would be e.g. are you ready for BLIM?) But for the Grades, we have that anyway (when are you ready to move on?).


Hi Earl @Chuck_Strut, I’m intrigued by your ideas, and I also think the various responses so far are reasonable. This question and comment resonated with me:

I wonder if this is the primary benefit you seek from an exam? It would be for me! (Well, that and my maybe-weird-but-thankfully-not-unique enjoyment of exams. @mathsjunky) A big issue for me is understanding what level of competence is appropriate given where I am in my guitar journey.

Others have mentioned posting an AVOYP. I haven’t done that yet, mostly because I don’t yet care to given my current competence. And again, I don’t know what’s appropriate competence to aim for as a Level 2-3 beginner.

A personal example: Grade 2 Module 11, Happy Birthday finger style. It took me a long time - about two months I think - to learn this, and even then it wasn’t smooth. I did try playing it for my brother-in-law in March, and froze in the last two measures. I’ve been practicing it daily since then, and am only now fairly confident with it. Was my March “performance” sufficient for a Grade 2 beginner? Is my current level sufficient? And, I learned Justin’s arrangement Silent Night finger style at the holidays in just a few weeks, and played it with my hubby for family. Would that be a reasonable substitute for HBD?

In Grade 2 Module 14, Justin provides a list of elements to “explore”, and some guidance for various guitar elements. There are also caveats in most sections not to go overboard. Could this be refined to become a sort of Grade 2 exam? Perhaps the student would choose a number of items from each section and demonstrate competence (again, with guidance of what that looks like), and also perform one or two songs. Could that be uploaded to an “exam” section, and “graded” by the good members of this community? Clearly this needs refinement, but it’s an idea. Doing this “exam” would not be a requirement for anyone, but for us exam geeks (or those of us who might expect too much of ourselves) it could be great!

Also, maybe this only applies to the beginner Grades 1-3.

Anyway, just my two cents. :smiling_face:

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I am just emphasizing here a long-cherished wish of Justin’s (and read it a lot from student here in the past and/or heard that it was from others here (forgot the details)… for most of the old people here it makes no sense …why should you give yourself that amount of stress :flushed: ( i like short tests about where are you now and with a wrong answer the link to check it out), but if you are young and want to continue in a more highly educated school way and want to learn way more that …well what I know and can… or even when you just want to show something to your family well then it’s nice…

But for the sake of completeness… I initially did not participate in the blues course because Justin asked for a number of commitments, such as writing a monthly essay… that was enough for me to drop out… .well, I had forgotten Wikipedia and all that…but still, just that idea and drowning in over-concentration, super focus and not being able to sleep because of it Brrrrr… I’m so jealous of you liking exams,o my… that had a major impact on my life … and would made it a lot easier


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That’s a good point. In my work experience teaching software development, I see a few students that would assist to every class and do all assignments even if there were no exams and grades. They learn for the sake of learning.

Though, that’s not the norm in my field. Most students would loose motivation and would not work as hard if there were no exams and graded assignments.

So, I can definitely see that it could help some students (which are probably not the most active here in the community). But, that’s definitely a challenge to implement, specially in online learning. The students that would need it the most are probably not the one who will decide to take the exams as they are optional and stressful.

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I learn to play with my friends where I “played”(was tolerated to stand next with) with 32 years ago :sunglasses:, but they were already pretty good back then…and they haven’t stopped :grimacing:

Why do you want to play the guitar? There’s a ton of good reasons whether it’s playing in public, song writing, an enjoyable hobby, learning new skills, jamming with friends …

I still think that if you want validation that you are ready to move to the next grade then arranging a 1-2-1 lesson with one of our approved teachers will be the best way to do that, and that also gives you the opportunity to ask other questions and identify things that need work. You could schedule one for a future date and give yourself a target to work towards.


Chalk and slate board?

There has been a couple of folk here that have done the courses and then went onto do Rockschool.

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Given the question:

I think Paul’s @mathsjunky reply is spot on:

I’m not sure a better answer exists.