Grant's Learning Log

First post to the learning log. In the month or two with JG, I have started to realize that we aren’t necessarily alone in this. It seems that you guys often have had the same questions I have had on modules, songs, etc., and a quick read of the discussion boards tends reveal what I was looking for. Since the community is so helpful in the passive role, it just makes sense to start the log and get pointers from the group as I go.

As noted in my intro post, I am a 20 year beginner, I have spent a lot of time on fundamentals (chords open and bar, scales, alternating picking, etc.) and never just played with music. Now I have a lot of pieces of guitar playing under my fingers, but have to put them together. I started with the app and flew through grades 1 and 2, picking up a few strumming techniques, like back beat percussive hits, and 16th note strumming, and started on Grade 3 modules 16 and 17.

I realized that I was falling into my old trap of learning the techniques, but not applying them. I am currently taking a break to really spend the time working on applying the techniques to songs and build the repertoire of songs that I can just play and enjoy.

Current list of songs and techniques I am working on.
Proud Mary - back beat strum and the "rolling down the river verse flourish)
House of the Rising Sun - Pick rake and pick pattern accuracy.
Folsom Prison Blues - Alternating base (may add the intro and solo to this one.)
Greensleeves - Chord/Melody ( I should find a more fun song for this)
Random 90s songs- Power Chords. (Probably not the direction my guitar playing will go, but important skill)


Tons of Cash songs work will let you practice that alt base and boom-chicka strum pattern. Grade 3 has so much stuff. Tons of great techniques.

Took Justin’s advice and found a Jam partner. He’s about 4 years ahead of me and playing open mics every week, so he’s got a lot to give in the relationship. He’s been trying to get me to jam for a couple years, and I unfortunate felt embarrassed by my lack of chops instead of energized by the ask.

We played through Proud Marry -CCR and a few other songs, and he provided a list of a few songs that he thinks would be jammable if I learned the rhythm and could be built on to do a open mic. I set a goal of being ready to play an open mic by April 8th.

Wonderful tonight
Purple Rian
Boys are back in town


Grant, that is a great idea. I did that a lot as I was working through grade 3.

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Glad I decided to take time away from the modules and apply to various songs. I can feel/hear the progress every time I sit down, and the calluses have never been as thick. I am trying to fucus on listening to what the artist is doing an emulating, rather than just strumming out the chords as I remember them. Then realize I am using the right chords and pattern, but missed a technique, back to the video and then apply,… repeat.

Today I have the full Eric Clapton picking pattern and solo for Wonderful Tonight playable in sections. I got the intro to Don’t Ask by John Craigie, and figured out that the sound was palm muting and went back and learned that. Gonna take a bit of practice, but the pattern and chords are already good to go. Kinda stoked that I figured out the location and mode and for the solo section of I am California by John Craigie, but I have no idea why its that one or there.
Can’t wait to get some time in tomorrow.

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