Greenday - Brain Stew

Feel like this is the song I built this guitar to play. High output humbucker pickup and a volume knob. Eb tuning.

Tonal settings, volume, gain, no middle, full treble, full base. Nothing else.

Great song to practice your power chords, palm muting, and then some cool little bits that are not normal guitar sounds. Scratching the strings, and a percussive tick from fretting hand mutes.

Just fun to blast after a long day. Remember to thank the neighbours for being understanding.


Hello Rhys :grinning:

It’s always nice to find a Green Day song here, and I enjoyed your performance a lot. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you for sharing this. It instantly brought back lots of great memories of their latest concert, when they played this song live :grinning:

And you are right, the song is perfect to practice power chords. I’m working on them, too.
Have you tried “Hitchin’ A Ride” yet? Some parts are a bit similar to “Brain Stew”, with a repeated progression of B5 - A5 - G#5 - G5 on the 6th string.
Loads of fun, too! :wink:

Keep up the great work :notes: :musical_note::+1:

PS: Very cool guitar :guitar:


Yeah Rhys it is good for power chords I have just finished playing this number myself with the Friday group I help teach it was noisy man but fun well done cheers Hec

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Great powerchord exercise -nicely played - you got the hang of it - and your neighbours :slight_smile:

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