Greetings from Huntsville, AL

Hello all, my name is Graham and I decided last week I was going to buy a guitar and learn to play for my 45th birthday. I couldn’t wait to get started, so I jumped the gun by a few weeks. While doing research into what type of guitar I wanted and learning the basics, I was searching for an online learning program or site. kept on getting recommended. I am now working on module one and am enjoying every minute of practice.

Those of you that started later in life from scratch using, what was the most difficult thing the first few months? Right now I struggle keeping my fretting wrist strait. Thanks for reading, and I am looking forward to your replies!


Welcome, Graham.

I started a year ago, and I am indeed an older student. :smile: Other than the obvious chord struggles, one of my biggest problems was holding the guitar. It would slide off my leg, pivot too far, took me months to get the dang thing to sit still. I was having upper arm pain in my strumming arm which I suspect was related. Doing a lot better now though.

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Welcome to the forum Graham

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Welcome Graham @Grahamicus! You’re in for a fabulous journey. For me, the worst part was those first few weeks of finger pain. Then once I had some baby callouses, they would peel and catch in the strings. Let me know if you have either issue and I’m happy to share how I managed them. Of course there are lots of other difficult, wonderful challenges awaiting!

As for the fretting wrist - there have been many conversations on this forum discussing that. If memory serves, many are found in the discussion for lessons on specific chord shapes. You might have a look there. A search in the community on the word “wrist” will give you lots of advice too!

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Hello Graham,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
Greetings ,Rogier

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Welcome Graham.I don’t remember one thing that was difficult when I started more everything was.

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Welcome to the community Graham. For me it was the dreaded F chord, playing it properly as a barre chord. I stuck with it sounding bad for what seemed like forever and now it’s a staple in my playing and so good because it opens up so many other barre chords.

The other challenge is sticking to it, and keeping the practice fun. So find easy stuff you like and learn that, don’t set your sights too much on the hard / dream songs, they will come, but you need to crawl before you can walk / run.

look forward to hearing more from you


Hi Graham, welcome to the community forum. There are some discussions of holding guitar and fretting hand position in Module 0 and other Grade 1lessons on the Justin Guitar website. You can post pictures of you holding the guitar and fretting hand and get some advice in the discussions.
As many others have said, this is a marathon, not a race, so play a little every day and have fun and you will see progress.

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Welcome to the Community Graham, its 10 years since I hooked up with Justin, so hard to remember the early strife. But I sure remember my fingers hurting like hell.
Enjoy the ride.

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Thanks for all the replies. I have been exploring the different sections and found many useful tips and tricks. From every angle this looks to be a fantastic and supportive community. I am so glad to have found it.

Welcome Graham. I started quite a bit later in life than you and regret not doing it decades ago. I would suggest just keep working your way through the modules and be aware of what needs attention. I don’t recall anything being much of a struggle in the early modules. Some things take more work than others. One minute changes with the Dm chord were a little awkward for me at first, but after a few days practice became as natural as the other open chords. The biggest struggle I had was making myself put the guitar down most of the time. That can be hard to do when you want to keep working on something. Enjoy your journey.
I am originally from Montgomery, AL. I live in WA now but AL will always be home.

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Hi Graham, welcome. Good you decided to learn to play the guitar and have taken your first steps toward it. Have fun.

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