Greetings from me

Hi all, I’m an oldie from Finland ( boomer?). I started to train guitar on a paid course 1,5 months ago again after having spent last 15 years with keyboards ( Yamaha models). I played nylon-string guitar before with open chords already decades ago but never took any lessons so that died. Actually I bought and played guitar somewhat actively 15 years ago, but then moved to KBs.

Now I have a vast motivation to learn and I progress wit Pickupmusic, but I found this site very interesting and may soon start these lessons…



Welcome to the forum Petteri

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Welcome Petteri. Go with Justins course, its free and very good and all you will need.

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Welcome to the community :slightly_smiling_face: Justin’s video lessons are really good, its worth trying them out. And… This community is great. Should you be stuck somewhere, should you have a question: There is always somebody who knows and can help :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Petteri, welcome to the community forum. I think that keyboards and guitar are skills that go together well. Your keyboard knowledge should help you musically with learning guitar. Learning guitar opens a new world of music. Have fun as you learn all of the songs on Justin’s website.

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Welcome to the community, Petteri! :slight_smile:

Wish you loads of fun on your guitar journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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Welcome to the community Petteri. Look forward to hearing more from you. It takes a bit of perseverance at the start but the reward is so very worth it.

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Hi Petteri & welcome to the forum! All the best with your guitar journey! :wave: :smiley: :+1:

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Hi Petteri,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hi Petteri
welcome to the community forum :smiley:

can’t go wrong with that :slight_smile:

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Hi Petteri,

Welcome all the best and good luck with your journey. :+1:

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Welcome to the community from one oldie to another. I started learning at a slow pace after retiring and have enjoyed every minute. I hope you will enjoy the journey and post as often as you need because you will have plenty of support from this wonderful group.

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Welcome Petteri, glad that you have found Justin’s website. You have everything you need at your fingertips, a graded structure from complete novice to advanced level playing and all for free. Yes there are some paid for courses but the free lessons and grade pathway will give you everything you need to be come a great guitarist.

And a supportive community who are treading or have followed the same pathway.
Enjoy the ride.


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Welcome, Petteri.

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Hi Petteri, welcome. Good you found Justin Guitar for your guitar training. The lessons are good by themselves, but they can be combined with any other learning resource you may have available for you. If advice from different sources disagree, use your previous musical knowledge to sort it out which one to follow. Have fun.

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