Greetings from Oslo, Norway!

Madrugada and St. Thomas :open_mouth: :fire: :guitar:

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Well your friend wasn’t all that off, we are doing just fine here up in the north. Winter is now coming and in a couple of weeks, maybe a month time, we will be covered in snow :snowflake: I don’t mind the snow, but the cold :cold_face: I could do without :innocent:

Thankfully we have booked a trip to Thailand at the end of the winter, just to get a head start on the summer🥳

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Hi and thanks!

This is exactly my plan, so hopefully this plan will be successful​:sunglasses::+1:t2:

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Hi Christian, welcome to the community. You have some nice guitars to start your journey to guitar greatness. The app is helpful for beginning grades and I use the app tuner daily. There are great song lessons on the Justin Guitar website and more songs for electric guitar when you get to Grade 2 and higher.

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Hi Christian, welcome. Good you put yourself in action for achieving your dream of playing like a Rock God. All of them started like you are starting now, and put long hours of practice to be able to do what they are able to do. You can do it also, one step at the time (no hurt in spending some time exploring more advanced things, as far as you keep working on the basics and following the lessons). Have fun with your guitars.

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