Guilty? anyone?


Found me out!!! :man_shrugging:t2:

Noodling & cruising the forum… watching cool guitar videos on YouTube & getting more gear is so much more fun than doing my practice routine… it’s like going to the gym… ya just have to make sure it happens or your bathroom scale (not the musical ones) starts to complain!!! :grin:



Definitely guilty on this one. When I started out I had a routine which I followed rigidly and hardly missed a day. Nowadays my practice is totally unstructured and I usually just pick up the guitar and play what I feel like.


Hey, I got a dog that looks a lot like that, whenever I pick up my laptop and phone and wander into the small bedroom/aka my music studio she tags along with me. Never occurred to me she’s making sure I practice! Gonna have to watch that!


My dog does the opposite. She makes herself scarce once I pickup the guitar….:man_facepalming:t3:

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Man, I’m not with the program at all for practice. That dog is gonna put me in the dog house for my ways.
I came around regular when I first picked up my guitar 3-4 years ago. Starting with lesson 1. Got up through level 5 and stopped.

Granted I didn’t stop playing, I just stopped the lessons.
I was on another forum and found a jam buddy and we were making music long distance. I guess it was kinda practicing as I was learning to make a whole part of a song so I could play with the other person who was playing the same song but something other than what I was playing (sometimes a song I didn’t know). I’d never done that and it was a real fun and quite satisfying when the tune was completed. Some of the songs would take us 4-6 weeks to complete passing pieces of it back and forth. So that is what I practiced, just not following the lessons.
I’ve stopped playing with that person. Much to my unhappiness. But after that, this is where I decided to come back to and give it another try.

I’m trying to get back into the lesson but am finding it hard to do.
For my practice right now, I’m learning 2 new songs that I don’t do with plans of putting them on tape and sharing. When they sound like music. One of them I’m learning on my own from a book and how I think the song sounds, the other I’m having guidance from Justin.
Hoping to get back into the lessons.
And I do play near everyday. I just need to find a way to get into some structure.


Haha same, I’m playing but I dont have a practice routine and not regularly working through lessons

I need to kick myself lol

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Re regular practice. Just follow one simple rule:
Practise on the days that you eat. :nerd_face:

Cheers, Shane


Sounds perfect.

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Just the way it should be Tony.

It’s what my daily play now consists of, that and learning new songs

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All good! I resemble this lately. I throw in a few practice sessions here for good measure, but a lot is just having fun and songs, songs, songs.

After all, what is the agenda? I don’t have a goal to reach other than enjoying my journey, however it plods along. We are here to play.

So, no dog in this fight, as it were.


I wish I didnt have a goldfish memory though!

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Then the songs never get old!

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Nothing to see here cute pooch, move on will you!

I practice… the things I already know… lol

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Maybe she’s secretly working for Nasa and making sure you’re doing your job at practicing. :yum:

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