I’ve been out of the loop for a little while, so I am very late to the party here on this fun thread that Rogier created.
So many great licks and riffs here that I only got about halfway through before I felt the urge to make some sort of contribution myself since I’ve been pretty lazy the last couple of months.
Reading the discussions above about licks vs. riffs was interesting… so the first little piece has a lick or two in it, but the second piece probably doesn’t? I dunno, I just enjoy playing those.
Hi Sandro,
The first one It is also not a lick but a lot of licks together , and we call that a solo
and this solo was Layla’s intro solo,
Well played and that 2nd piece deserves a whole song
Just to be clear… there is NO ‘too late’ for the challenges
… if nothing has ever been posted for 1 year, then it is still the intention if you have a itch for your contribution… in any challenge in the community… to post,and again and again …
Nice Trond and greetings
Good to see @Dro_1 and @tRONd making a contribution, well done to you both.
And so the debate continues. Is it a lick is it a riff ? Is it a lick is it a solo ? Good to see so much clarity on the subject But hey if it sounds good
This topic has slowed down too much.
I don’t have a social media account, so google drive will need to do. Let’s see if this link works like I expect. Oh, and this is my first video post, so if it is not right in some way, let me know.
My kind of song - you learn this short riff and you know the whole song!
Your share worked perfectly, Michael, no need to have social media accounts if you prefer not to.
Such a great riff, loved the tone.
Er is een fout opgetreden. Probeer het later opnieuw.
This ^^^ is the only thing I see
Works fine for me. Enjoyed it!
Hi Rogier,
That translates to one of those annoying ‘tells me nothing’ errors. Did you try later like it suggested?
Only information I have found is that some things are restricted due to a bad .htaccess file (like for Wordpress) but that seems unlikely. Only thing I can think of is maybe you or your country is using a proxy and that is not configured correctly.
This is kind of a bummer since it is your post! I hope it works on another try. If not, I’ll see if I can dig a little more.
Thanks @DavidP
I was diving into the rabbit hole of the new Line 6 Helix firmware that was dropped Thursday. the model is a Line 6 custom amp (Aristocrat) and they seem to have learned that folks like the feedback they put into a Grammatico model last firmware. I didn’t even miss the slight spring reverb I usually apply.
Guitar I bought about 4 weeks ago and I see Sweetwater just dropped the price for Black Friday sales - It has its own internal reverb that I suspect is due to the hollow chambers above and below the strings/bridge. I can get all kinds of appealing sounds out of it!
Sounding good Michael and you broke your guitar just like @roger_holland broke his. Shame he can’t see it. BTW only joshing, I like those headless chickens.
I feel excluded
But … Luctor et Emergo
And the solution turns out to be: I can’t open it in my standard browser even after adjustments, but I “specifically” used another browser and I know what you’re talking about now … Nice lick and YES Toby … nice guitar
So I can sleep now in all peace
It works fine on my side of the border, so it should be ok on your side too
Never done it - but I think Sweetwater will honor their sale price for a time… call them and check. Doesn’t hurt to ask & may get you some for some other cool gear!!!
That was really cool, Michael! Great share!
I see you have a Helix LT. I have been geeking out on multi-FX pedals since I heard the sweet sweet tones of Phil’s Fractal FM3 in the last OM. That tone you’ve dialed in on the Helix sounds great too! I’m getting tempted…
Oh damn!!!
Nice Tele
Worked great for me also. Love the lick and the guitar!