Guitar magazine recommendations

Hi all.

Looking for recommendations for guitar magazines to buy on the regular. I don’t want one that is really heavily focused on selling products, unless that is what they are a lot of, stuff that gives info on guitars, guitar brands styles etc… I guess that’s a pretty vague question so hopefully someone can read my mind and decipher what I am looking for

I won’t claim to be familiar with all of the options on the market, but: if what you’re after is mostly oriented toward playing and techniques, take a look at Guitar Techniques. It’s a UK pub so a bit on the expensive side if you’re in the US but the issues I’ve purchased (only one-offs, I’ve never subscribed) have been loaded with good info.

It doesn’t appear to be a magazine, but I have found many useful articles on a range of guitar topics, including some comparison of types and brands of guitars.

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They still make magazines?

I’ve not seen many on shelves for a while. Maybe only Guitarist. The internet has probably killed most of the minor titles.

I’m in the USA, and my local library offers digital magazines, including Guitarist and Guitar Techniques, I find them useful if a bit advanced for my current skill set.