Guitar Pro 8 after Blim - my review and thoughts

Your mileage may vary. Think of meh as more of a sound you would use to describe something. More like yuck but one persons meh is another ones yeah ! Horses for courses, there will people out there who don’t like Newkie Brown and others wondering what it is !! :rofl:

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Yeah ok got it mate well if they manage to get a bottle they will know about it, but in saying that its not what it was now like everything else in this changing world I guess cheers Hec :joy:

Been a good while, since I necked one but jeez how do you go about changing that ! Like making Special Brew non-alcoholic ? :rofl:

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Love it Toby my old man drank it and believe it or not he used to put a little bit over our ice cream when I was a lad it was so tasty man, Toby you have got me wanting a bottle of broon now man arghhhhhhh :rofl: :beer:

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