So I thought I would let all now know how I feel about GP8, I purchased it about a month into Blim opened it and like everyone else I suppose, felt a bit overwhelmed as I tried to navigate my way through it. I started asking for advice from the community and the response I received was brilliant however because Blim was so intense I decided to turn it off and concentrate on the course, promising myself I would return, And here I am back with GP8.
Only two weeks in and I can assure anybody who wonders about the advantages of GP8 in helping you learn music and guitar might like my advice, And I am sure I am not alone,
I turned my Amp and guitar off and spent a full day with GP8 giving it all of my attention. And here I am only about two weeks if that and I can not get enough of it, I am on GP8 every day, especially with Justin’s downloads and it makes it all so easy and I am still learning about it there is so much GP can do and help you with, So in my eyes, it is a must for any serious musician songwriter or guitarist. I hope this helps Cheers Hec
Hi Deborah, It helps in a lot of ways but firstly I am not plugging GP other products do just as much and are free I just happened to have bought GP at a bad time as I was explaining, but these tools are brilliant in helping you practice you can stop start a part that you are learning or slow it down, or loop it and it gives you TAB and Notation. Once you start to use these programmes you realise how helpful they are, I write music and transcribe as well something I didn’t explain before they are just well worth using I am relatively new to this music world so I take all the help I can get Cheers Hec.
It is Deborah but it is a lot more complicated ish, it allows me to do what I want like I said when I first bought it and opened it up I was wow what have I just done, this is far too advanced for me, and there was a lot of other community members using it but now I have taken the time it is brilliant especially when I print my music out it is professionally perfect
I picked it up quite awhile ago when there was some sort of double discount going on (one of them being Justin’s discount code). I have barely scratched the surface of what it can do, but I do like the clean printouts I can get from it.
I do intend to use it to transcribe stuff, too, as there’s some notation I really dislike and will be reworking some songs into a format I like as I go. I’ve not really gotten deep enough into Justin’s lesson programs to get the downloads he offers, but other online lesson platforms supply GP downloads, too and I’ve used it once or twice for that.
Yeah that’s exactly what I did used Justin’s discount code I have given it a bit of time and I will get better at it but like I said I am enjoying it
Yeah, a great tool. Use it pretty much daily myself.
If you’re interested, there’s a guy on YT, Levi Clay -guitarist and highly respected professional transcriber - who has some quality videos on Guitar Pro, transcribing etc.
If you are talking about the JustinGuitar Beginners Course app, I would say it’s not like it at all.
In many ways much more of a tool, rather than a guided course, and it’s much more complex and comprehensive.
The advantage from a BLIM (and my personal) PoV is that it lets you study, loop, slow down and learn specific things like the licks and the lick medley. And , outside of BLIM, that applies to a lot of other material.
I’ve actually used GP8 with the companion “My Songbook” subscription to get authorised Tabs and backing tracks to learn , not only for guitar, but drum and bass parts for songs.
And, if you want to do transcriptions seriously, as in fully capture the songs including all the rhythm, rests, etc. then GP8 is a great tool.
I will note it’s not the only thing around and TuxGuitar and MuseScore are also really good tools that do similar things. And both of those are free.
But GP8 is worth considering because it’s designed (as the name suggests) for Guitar players where MuseScore (for example) is a more general purpose scoring tool and as such, is much more comprehensive and complex to cater for those needs.
If you were going to score an orchestral number, MuseScore has GP8 beat hands down. But for our use as guitar players, GP8 is probably better focussed. But, it comes with a (relatively small) price tag.
one time per major update. I have had GP8 for a couple years now and received minor updates. It is nice to know that they are not trying to “just make money” by updating major versions fast.
The minor updates are standard stuff, small fixes to programming errors, small adjustments to things customers don’t like, adding some small feature that is useful.
I’ve upgraded from GP6 to GP7 and now GP8 and those have all been discounted major up grades.
Worth clarifying here, GP cannot only be used to learn songs from other folks GP files but you can write your own songs, with an absolute plethora of instruments. You can either export the whole project or individual tracks/stems as audio files but also midi files. So you can load the output into a DAW for your own multi track project and add a conercobia of virtual instruments and then record your own audio eg vox GTRs alongside,
Tracks or complete songs/projects can be exported in a number of different formats.
Exporting to PDF certainly came in handy during BLIM, where some lesson resources were incomplete or missing and could be extracted from the GP files provided.
The range of guitar samples in GP8 is quite impressive