Gyall's learning log

OK, I enter the game.

2024-06-11 (yeah, ISO format, aren’t I a geek!)

My gear

  • Donner DST-152, a Strat style electric guitar, I called her Precious (as in my prrrrrrrrrecious, you know the story ;D)

  • Focusrite Scarlett Solo

  • Rotosound Strings, they offer a second high E that I already used. I tried the 10’s, the 9’s and finally choose the 8’s, I find them easier.

  • Virtual amp, made by a French company, the Fat Blob

That’s for the easy part, the hard one is getting the skill to use it!

Starting from zero (not really true, I knew the strings order in French, mi-la-ré-sol-si-mi, by the way why is our si called ti in English?), I can only progress.

I’m currently at module 4 of grade 1, and I find it pretty difficult !

Some chords I handle rather well (A, D, E, Em, Am), but C and G are tricky!

Buzzing and boinging are my burden to bear, I’m sure that with work it’ll get better.

And first important step for me, I’m now able to play the beginning of Smoke on the water as it sounds in the song, you don’t imagine how happy I was to achieve that! Pom pom poooom, pom pom popom, pom pom poooom , pom pom.


A good 2 hour session, my hand hurts a little, I stop before I strain it, my fingers get clearly better with the strings on the fret, they don’t hurt anymore and are getting some more skin at their tips, I suppose it’s the craft making them stronger.

I keep having difficulties with my thumb, I don’t replace it correctly after changing chords and it just complicates things, I lost rythm and pace and gets totally out of sync.

Tomorrow I’ll try to slow down the tempo, that should help to stay in sync, for now speed is not a priority!

I skipped filling up my journal yesterday, too bad.

I kept doing the daily routines of module 1, 2 and 3 of stage 1, it’s still difficult to do the chords correctly and quickly (I suppose it’s normal after just 2 weeks I’m not a Jimmy Blackmore or Ritchie Page. Not that I’ll ever be ;D)

I keep enjoying the routines, playing along is fun too, but how could these slow songs be so fast when I have to change chords!!!

And strumming only the right strings, and counting, and placing the fingers, and not touch the high E with the ring finger and…

I’ll have to be a mainframe and multitask very efficiently!

My feelings right now are that I have to be patient, to exercise my fingers (C Chord is hard because I can’t extend my hand enough, I have small hands) and keep working.

Basically, like every craft I ever learned!

I hope you all enjoy that as much as I do


Both my left wrist and pinky hate me, I’m trying an exercise to make my left fingers more supple and agile, but I have problems with my pinky.

E5 then E6 then E7 then E8, I leave the fingers on the frets and move them one by one up one string.
Index up to B5, then major to B6 then ring finger to B7 then pinky to B8

From high E to low E, I can handle it, but from low E to high E, the damn pinky just blocks the string down the one I’m on, it’s as supple as an old oak.

I know, I know, train, train and train again.

I’m just a little frustrated.

And the damn wrist placement is hell too.

I youtubed and found some stuff about the wrist, apparently I have to keep it straight and not bend it, but in that case I just can’t reach the low strings with the pinky (him again).

I feel like The Brain when he has to handle Pinky’s erratic behaviour.

OK, I’ll just stop venting now, thanks for reading me!

I’m back after a couple of difficult days (nothing to do with guitar), and took back the fretboard with pleasure.

Again, I’m confronted with my small pinky, I accepted that I need to curve my wrist for my pinky to reach the low E string. Not pleasurable but doable in the end.

Playing with music is hard, switching chords is hard too, but slowing down the song and going slowly and carefully does help.

I also found some stretches movements that helped me, some routine to start before picking the guitar.

I still love it, because I can see that I’m slowly getting better and more at ease, a great step is that my fingers do not hurt anymore!

Brave hearts do not falter!


I may have pushed my wrist a tad too much, it started to hurt this evening, I’ll be careful for some days.

I started working on the penta scale just to change a little, it’s easy to know where to put the fingers.
But much more tricky to reach the positions, the low E on a 4th fret is hard as my hand is really small.
I think I may have to fold my wrist even more.

I’ll see how it goes.

I also started to study the tabs for Astronomy by Blue Oÿster Cult, and I stumble on a chord, A7 D9 G9 B8 I can’t position my fingers…

I may be somewhat ambitious…



I decided to exercise my hands with some stretching, as recommended by Justin, and used working on my A minor pentatonic scale as another stretching exercise.

It helped nicely, I still have to bend my wrist, but I can now reach the frets and strings without too many hassle.

I did my exercices, A, D, E chord perfect, anchor finger and chord switches, it keeps getting easier, but still many buzzing and other weird noises.

I also have the 2 lower strings that buzz a little when unfretted and actioned with some energy, maybe there is some tuning to do, but atm it’s far over my capacities as a guitar mechanics!

All in all, a good guitar evening!


Hello again Jean-Michel!

Good first post in your Learning Log (LL)! I really like your enthusiasm for learning, it’s good to see someone having lots of fun in the early days of this Journey we call “Playing Guitar”!

Enthusiasm is good but as with all learning, the peaks & valleys can be difficult - to paraphrase Dory in Finding Nemo - Just keep playing, playing, playing… just keep practicing, practicing, practicing!!! When you use your LL to document your good days & bad ones, you will look back someday & marvel at how far you’ve come…

Chords & Strumming are what I feel are the foundation of creating music along with timing…

Great job learning the riff to Smoke on the Water - as Justin tells us, music is a language & riffs, licks, phrases & passages are just some of the vocabulary we learn in order to “speak” with our instruments. Learning & remembering riffs is very inspiring - when I’m having a day when something just isn’t going well in my playing - I’ll play the riff to Peter Gunn or the intro to Wish You Were Here just to cheer myself back up!
The main thing is to keep it FUN!!!


PS - As a lifelong Tolkien fan - LOVE that you named your precious guitar Precious!!! That’s Cool!!! :sunglasses:

Welcome to the Learning Log world Jean-Michel. Good way to track progress and keep you honest.

Bon Chance !


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OK, I kept filling up my first post, maybe not what I should be doing.

From now on, I’ll add entries as new posts.

I kept stretching and doing my daily exercises, the 1 minute switches are getting worst, and they sound awful, I’m struggling with my wrist position and I keep muting strings involuntarily which make buzzing strings. It’s frustrating.

No guitar today, I was in Verdun to see From flames to light an outdoor show about the battle of Verdun during WW1. Nice, and historically very significant events.

Today 2024-06-23
Spent last night in an awful hotel, feeling as if I slept on the floor, never again.
This evening I picked Precious, did a bit of stretching then my exercises, a couple of penta scales (pinky’s still stubborn) and my wrist started to ache, so I’ll have to find a way of much less twisting the wrist. Again, a question of position, but that is pretty hard to sort out.

Exercise, Exercise, train and train again. But maybe not that long daily!


I feel like things are getting easier, not yet good, but switching chords felt faster, and less error prone, today I managed Born in the USA at normal speed (which is slow, I know ;D) without issues as of speed, even if kwaks and buzzes still happen.

I understand that the road will be long, and it will go up and down, but I’m still enjoying myself, the smallest victory is still a victory!



OK, I restarted a bit from scratch, repositioning my fingers so as to have the very tip fretting the strings, it works better, less buzzes, less muted strings, but a hell of a wrist ache, I’ll have to really work on that.
It’s really a long term job, I understand now that it will be frustrating at times, and exhilarating at others, it’s just the beginning of the journey.

I did my exercises with some pain in my wrist.

Then I decided to start working on a song I like, I chose “For what it’s worth” by Buffalo Springfield.

3 chords A D and E, with a tricky (for me) E-D-A sequence on which I worked for 1/2 h with some success, I managed to look on my strumming hand to strum the right strings while fretting without looking, it was nice.

It’s far from perfect but I got a good rythm and really enjoyed myself!

I even tried to sing along!

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After my daily routine I spent half an hour switching between A, D and E before trying my song again.

It was hard, E then D then A is confusing even with an anchor finger, and I’ll have to practice a lot before doing it at with confidence.

But that gives me a goal that is realistic.

I started practicing C as a new chord I find the stretch very difficult, and it’s only covering one and a half tones. I can’t imagine spreading my hand further.

Only time will tell (Asia anyone?)

Ah, yes, C chord. It felt really difficult to me in the beginning, all that stretching out, my poor hand! But you’ll get there. I know, because I did. As for the pain in general, I find that when I put the guitar between my legs, so that the neck is further up, it helps with wrist pain. Or maybe you have a strap and can try playing standing up? I haven’t tried that yet, since I do not have a strap, but maybe it’ll help?

On the whole, your log reads very much like my first days, only you have the good sense to do stretches from the start, which I didn’t do, and now regret a lot. Keep on it, you’re definitely on the right track! :+1:t5:

Thanks a lot Sevi,

your encouraging words and similar experience help!

We have an old saying by Jean de la Fontaine that roughly translates to :

“Patience and length of time do more
than strength or rage”

That’s how I currently relates to my guitar training, each nice sounding chord is a small victory, each klang or buzz a call to keep trying.

Hopefilly there will be less klanging or buzzing as time passes by.

Practice was disheartening today, painfully manage 23 transitions DA, DE, EA did 3 songs and painfully managed one C chord, my fingers ache too much today.

It was also relatively warm, I needed a hell of a tuning and my low E was a pita to tune, switched to F on picking then down to E2 but not stable at all.

After that I setup my amp and pushed the walls with a bit of distorsion, just so I could enjoy the powwaaaaaa ah ah ah ah!

Came back from work with Blue Öyster Cult’s Astronomy at maximum power, the damn song put fire in my brain, as it does every time I listen to it.

Some enchanted evening it was ;D

The weather was still warm, I reviewed my first weeks of practice and concluded that I was going too fast and wasn’t focused enough.
Thus I restarted, not from scratch, but limiting my goals.
I’m now working only on A, E and D, using Born in the USA and For what it’s worth as evaluating , as well as practicing, items.
I’ll see how that helps

Practiced as yesterday A, E and D , reached a bit over 30 switches A-D, still too slow E-D and E-A but getting better. I’ll keep practicing that way, it seems efficient.

Born In the USA is getting way better I think, I fumble much less.

For what it’s worth is still hard, but at least I manage some timely transitions E-D-A, the chords sounds horrible because I have to switch fast ;D, and after the A, I pitifully crash and lose my momentum, but it’s still better.

Curiously just switching E-D-A with no music is way easier, go figure!

Still enjoying the journey!


usual routine all went nicely.
i found out that on 12th fret it sounded out of tune and yes it was.
I looked a a couple videos and it did not seem that complicated to fix.

bad bad idea

now Gorgeous is totally out of tune…

I killed her intonation badly.


Today, I triew to fix the intonation after my daily routine, 12th fret ain’t used for what I do.

She sounded weird however…

After that gone googling and searched some details about tuning and intonation.

Stopped after 3 hours.

I’m gonna reset things today, put the bridge back 1.5 mm over high E and 2mm over low E and start from there.

I’ll also turn the bridge over so that the tuning screws face the head of the guitar. As it’s now it’s very hard to tune.

Any advice appreciated

I know I’m was stupid.

Lesson learned.

But it’s my mess, it’s up to me to fix it.

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This is about the most comprehensive guide to setup for Strat type guitars I’ve seen. You don’t need their kit and can get by with normal tools, at least to get back to playability. If you didn’t mess with the truss rod then don’t touch that for now. Don’t mess with the bridge either, put it back in its normal position. Changing it from its designed position will really throw off the intonation to the point where it may not be possible any longer to get a correct intonation. Your aim is to get it back to “standard”.

Thank you Ziggysden,

unfortunately I messed up my Lp

but I’ll find a way!

Hi @Gyall If you go on the Music Nomad YT channel they have a similar video for LP style guitars too.

Your early guitar journey sounds a lot like mine… keep at it, definitely gets better.

For your guitar setup issues, a professional setup is a good investment if your guitar has never had one (common for beginner budget guitars). If you want to DIY, there are a lot of good videos on YT and Justin has a good series here

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Yes, I did it, intonation’s not perfect but tune on the 12th fret are within 25% of the unfretted strings, that’s enough at the moment, at least a E is still a E, maybe flatter or sharper, but it’s not a C or a F!

Now, back to my routine!

Routine went well, my A, D and E chords are really better, switching from one to the other is much easier and my two “evaluation” songs went well, BitU went well, almost no fault, FwiW is still difficult, but I managed a couple of E D A E with some success, not perfect, but I kept the rythm.

Tuning the guitar seems to have had an unexpected result, the action is lower and it’s much easier, there just a tiny bit of buzz on the low E, I think I need to move the bridge up a few 1/10th of mm. I kept that for tomorrow, I’m much happier today!

I just learned a few lessons today :innocent:

  • Do not mess with your bridge, locking bar, pick up height if you don’t know what you’re doing

  • I reset the action to 1.2 mm on the high E and 2 mm on the low E, that’s what I converted from 3/64th in. and 5/64th in., imperial mesures are really weird for me btw ;D

  • Guitar strings hurt when entering fingers, oh do they hurt…

  • Do not tune strings until all of them are in place and somewhat tense, or you’ll end up breaking a couple of them, not understanding why, googling for wtf is going on and getting the response.

  • Switching the Tune-o-matic bridge to have the tuning screws facing the head is a really good idea. You’ll have to retune the bridge, but the screws are waaaaaaay easier to handle that way

All of that wasn’t easy, but it just took me 2 hours and a lot of^H^H^H^H^H
^H^H^Hsome strings.

And I’m pretty sure that I’ll never forget what I learned today.

I certainly won’t propose anyone to help setting up a guitar, but I now know much more about guitars than yesterday, and I fixed my own mess, ain’t that a nice conclusion for the day?

Thanks for reading me, and for the help and suggestions provided, much appreciated.


Your action height seems to be about right for an electric. In metric, the low E should be 1.5-2.0mm and the high E 1.0-1.5mm, both measured at the 12th fret. If you get action height in these ranges then there’s no need for a truss rod adjustment if you get no fret buzz.

You also learned that, as long as you haven’t taken a hammer to it, you can’t really damage a guitar by doing an incorrect setup :grinning:

I would encourage you to not be afraid to continue to do this routine maintenance on your instruments. It’s not that hard, and it doesn’t take that long once you’ve done it a couple of times. I generally check mine when I change strings and if you use the same gauge strings then you’ll often find not much needs changing. If you change string gauges then you’ll probably need to look at action height and intonation, but they should be minuscule adjustments!

I’m still not convinced about swapping the bridge around - it wasn’t designed that way and could account for the fact you can’t get intonation quite right.

Thanks a lot Ziggysden for your encouraging words.


Back to routine, ADE and my two songs, harder today my fingertips are well marked by the strings and hurt a bit, I shortened my training to 1 hour, did BitU 2 times and FWiW once at a slower pace, it helped.

I managed 32 in D to A switched.
Only 24 A to D however, go figure…