H Chris here from Guernsey, 60 and retired!

Im 60 and have been learning with Justin’s App for a couple of years. It’s one of my retirement projects and I’m loving it.


Welcome to the Forum Chris

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Welcome Chris,

And I wish you a lot of fun during this long project :smiley: :sunglasses:


Welcome from one Chris to another. I joined the app last January. You’ve joined a wonderful forum. Do enjoy yourself :+1:

Welcome to the community Chris. Learning guitar makes for a great retirement project. :sunglasses::guitar:

Hello Chris & Welcome!!!

Have lots of fun learning & know that this Community is always here if you need help/advice!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

Welcome Chris !


Thanks Roger - yes I think it will see me out!

Thanks Chris

Thanks, yes I “lose” hours happily playing away

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Thanks Catman!

Thanks Madman

Welcome to the community Chris

I had a fantastic holiday on Guernsey some years ago, despite getting horribly seasick on the ferry :nauseated_face:

All the best

Welcome to the community, Chris! :smiley:

Great stuff Chris! Welcome to the forum

im not how this works but hello from canada im 67 just here refreshing my skills

Hiya @clemarchant Welcome

Aaron here from over in Jersey, I’ve not been playing long either, we should look into meeting up to Jam sometime.

No one on the forums from Jersey so you’re my closest potential Jam buddy.

Hi Chris, welcome to the community forum.

Hello, fellow guitar lover from very very far land :grinning:

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