Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen Lesson

Learn to play Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen | JustinGuitar

You can sing Justin keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Justin, can you please provide the strumming pattern for this (the one you go over starting at 7:15)? Thank you!

Hi @robweede and welcome to the community.

Justin half-contradicts himself.
He says there’s not really a particular pattern though when he gets a groove on he does feel it is a good fit and counts it out for you. Use the cog wheel of settings to slow down the play back speed.

Cheers :blush:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide & Moderator

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How does one do half a bar in fingerstyle?

You could do T, 1, 2 on F and then T, 1, 2 on G.



When I slow down the video it looks like he is hitting “open strings” on the 6th beat when he changes chords, at least when he changes to F chord or is it just me who sees that?

I cant seem to find that E with a G# base chord on the website, would it be possible to illustrate the fingering for it?

Welcome to the forum Thomas. Can you play a D shaped E chord? That’s what Justin is playing with the G# in the bass. He’s muting the A string and thin e string.

Hi Thomas @Tarregaguitar, welcome to the community! If you’re inclined, consider introducing yourself over here.

Justin describes how he formed that E/G# in the text on the web page for the song:

If you want to play Hallelujah as I do, use this grip for E/G#: 4X2450. I use finger 1 for 4:2, finger 2 on 6:4, finger 3 for 3:4, and finger 4 on 2:5. This isn’t the kind of thing I’d typically show beginners, but if you’re up for a challenge – this is a great one! If it’s too tricky, just play a regular E open chord (022100).

I didn’t see a chord box on the website, but the first example on this page reflects Justin’s description (except that Justin does not mute that high E).

Hope that helps!

can someone explain the transition that Justin’s doing in the intro (the C to Am)? it looks like he’s fretting a B on the fifth string, but I can’t tell what else is going on.

There’s a mistake in the text description of this lesson; it mentions a Jeff Beck cover version when it should be Jeff Buckley (as Justin refers to in the video).

My personal favorite cover of Hallelujah is probably the one by Rufus Wainwright. The Jeff Beck version is also great!

I hope this comment is the appropriate place to report this (minor) issue.

Is this new version of the video? The chapters don’t make sense, where’s the finger style version?