Hand made duo

I know there are members on the forum who like making guitars as well as playing them so I hope they might find this post interesting. I also hope i’m putting it in the right place. If not I hope @Richard_close2u, @DavidP or @LievenDV will delete or relocate it.

I’ve made a video of my fellow instrument maker’s Martin 1/28 copy. This is a guitar that was made between 1880 & 1920. Matt has done a great job. Video opens with Matt playing a piece and then me messing around with it, quite clumsily. It’s strung with nylon strings that are quite widely spaced for me so I missed them now and again. If you haven’t lost interest by then there’s a clip of me trying out the Martin 000-28 copy that is the first guitar that I have made. Not finished completely but it is playable. I recorded the first clip of Matt playing with my iPhone, the rest on my MacAir. I think that the iPhone has done a better job with the audio and better showcases the quality of Matts instrument. Hope this video is of interest to the guitar builders on the forum.


Thats cool mate, mind i can see how wide the neck is on that first guitar wow cheers Hec

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Congratulations on your first build John. It looks and sounds great.

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John, that’s a nice guitar that you have built with a good voicing and tone for acoustic blues.

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John, Great job on building a very nice guitar. You play it nicely also. Keep up the good and fun work John.

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